Ερευνητικές Δημοσιεύσεις 2008
Μαρία Βαμβακάκη
- Sakai K, Vamvakaki M, Smith EG, Wanless EJ, Armes SP and Biggs S, Adsorption characteristics of zwitterionic diblock copolymers at the silica/aqueous solution interface, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 317 (2), 383-394 (2008).
- Sakai K, Webber GB, Vo CD, Wanless EJ, Vamvakaki M, Butun V, Armes SP and Biggs S, Characterization of layer-by-layer self-assembled multilayer films of diblock copolymer micelles, LANGMUIR 24 (1), 116-123 (2008).
- Vamvakaki M and Patrickios CS, Synthesis and characterization of the swelling and mechanical properties of amphiphilic ionizable model co-networks containing n-butyl methacrylate hydrophobic blocks, SOFT MATTER 4 (2), 268-276 (2008).
- Farsari M, Ovsianikov A, Vamvakaki M, Sakellari I, Gray D, Chichkov BN and Fotakis C, Fabrication of three-dimensional photonic crystal structures containing an active nonlinear optical chromophore, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 93 (1), 11-15 (2008).
- Ovsianikov A, Viertl J, Chichkov B, Oubaha M, MacCraith B, Sakellari I, Giakoumaki A, Gray D, Vamvakaki M, Farsari M and Fotakis C, Ultra-Low Shrinkage Hybrid Photosensitive Material for Two-Photon Polymerization Microfabrication, ACS NANO 2 (11), 2257-2262 (2008).
Κέλλυ Βελώνια
- Le Droumaguet B and Velonia K, Click chemistry: A powerful tool to create polymer-based macromolecular chimeras, MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 29 (12-13), 1073-1089 (2008).
- Le Droumaguet B and Velonia K, In situ ATRP-Mediated hierarchical formation of giant amphiphile bionanoreactors, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 47 (33), 6263-6266 (2008).
Δημήτρης Βλασσόπουλος
- Pham KN, Petekidis G, Vlassopoulos D, Egelhaaf SU, Poon WCK and Pusey PN, Yielding behavior of repulsion- and attraction-dominated colloidal glasses, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 52 (2), 649-676 (2008).
- Rogers SA, Vlassopoulos D and Callaghan PT, Aging, yielding, and shear banding in soft colloidal glasses, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100 (12), 128304 (2008).
- Hilliou L, Vlassopoulos D, Pispas S and Hadjichristidis N, A rheo-optical study of stress-fluctuations coupling in a disordered and entangled diblock copolymer solution, MACROMOLECULES 41 (9), 3328-3338 (2008).
- Beris AN, Stiakakis E and Vlassopoulos D, A thermodynamically consistent model for the thixotropic behavior of concentrated star polymer suspensions, JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS 152 (1-3), 76-85 (2008).
- Watanabe H, Matsumiya Y, van Ruymbeke E, Vlassopoulos D and Hadjichristidis N, Viscoelastic and dielectric relaxation of a Cayley-tree-type polyisoprene: Test of molecular picture of dynamic tube dilation, MACROMOLECULES 41 (16), 6110-6124 (2008).
- Mayer C, Zaccarelli E, Stiakakis E, Likos CN, Sciortino F, Munam A, Gauthier M, Hadjichristidis N, Iatrou H, Tartaglia P, Lowen H and Vlassopoulos D, Asymmetric caging in soft colloidal mixtures, NATURE MATERIALS 7 (10), 780-784 (2008).
- Kapnistos M, Lang M, Vlassopoulos D, Pyckhout-Hintzen W, Richter D, Cho D, Chang T and Rubinstein M, Unexpected power-law stress relaxation of entangled ring polymers, NATURE MATERIALS 7 (12), 997-1002 (2008).
Γιάννης Γιαπιντζάκης
- Stylianou M, Drouza C, Viskadourakis Z, Giapintzakis J and Keramidas AD, Synthesis, structure, magnetic properties and aqueous solution characterization of p-hydroquinone and phenol iminodiacetate copper(II) complexes, DALTON TRANSACTIONS - (44), 6188-6204 (2008).
Μαρία Καφεσάκη
- Zhou JF, Koschny T, Kafesaki M and Soukoulis CM, Size dependence and convergence of the retrieval parameters of metamaterials, PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS 6 (1), 96-101 (2008).
- Gundogdu TF, Katsarakis N, Kafesaki M, Penciu RS, Konstantinidis G, Kostopoulos A, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Negative index short-slab pair and continuous wires metamaterials in the far infrared regime, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (12), 9173-9180 (2008).
- Soukoulis CM, Zhou JF, Koschny T, Kafesaki M and Economou EN, The science of negative index materials, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20 (30), 304217 (2008).
- Penciu RS, Aydin K, Kafesaki M, Koschny T, Ozbay E, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Multi-gap individual and coupled split-ring resonator structures, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (22), 18131-18144 (2008).
Γιώργος Κιοσέογλου
- Kioseoglou G, Yasar M, Li CH, Korkusinski M, Diaz-Avila M, Hanbicki AT, Hawrylak P, Petrou A and Jonker BT, Intershell Exchange and Sequential Electrically Injected Spin Populations of InAs Quantum-Dot Shell States, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101 (22), 227203 (2008).
Γιώργος Κοπιδάκης
- Kopidakis G, Komineas S, Flach S and Aubry S, Absence of wave packet diffusion in disordered nonlinear systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100 (8), 084103 (2008).
- Remediakis IN, Kopidakis G and Kelires PC, Softening of ultra-nanocrystalline diamond at low grain sizes, ACTA MATERIALIA 56 (18), 5340-5344 (2008).
Ευάγγελος Μανιάς
- Zhang JG, Manias E and Wilkie CA, Polymerically modified layered silicates: An effective route to nanocomposites, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 8 (4), 1597-1615 (2008).
Άννα Μητράκη
- Dinca V, Kasotakis E, Catherine J, Mourka A, Ranella A, Ovsianikov A, Chichkov BN, Farsari M, Mitraki A and Fotakis C, Directed three-dimensional patterning of self-assembled peptide fibrils, NANO LETTERS 8 (2), 538-543 (2008).
Δημήτρης Παπάζογλου
- Faccio D, Averchi A, Lotti A, Di Trapani P, Couairon A, Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, Ultrashort laser pulse filamentation from spontaneous X Wave formation in air, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (3), 1565-1570 (2008).
- Faccio D, Clerici M, Averchi A, Jedrkiewicz O, Tzortzakis S, Papazoglou DG, Bragheri F, Tartara L, Trita A, Henin S, Cristiani I, Couairon A and Di Trapani P, Kerr-induced spontaneous Bessel beam formation in the regime of strong two-photon absorption, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (11), 8213-8218 (2008).
- Camposeo A, Persano L, Del Carro P, Papazoglou DG, Stassinopoulos A, Anglos D, Cingolani R and Pisignano D, Longitudinal coherence of organic-based microcavity lasers, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (14), 10384-10389 (2008).
- Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, In-line holography for the characterization of ultrafast laser filamentation in transparent media, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93 (4), 041120 (2008).
- Faccio D, Clerici M, Averchi A, Lotti A, Jedrkiewicz O, Dubietis A, Tamosauskas G, Couairon A, Bragheri F, Papazoglou DG, Tzortzakis S and Di Trapani P, Few-cycle laser-pulse collapse in Kerr media: The role of group-velocity dispersion and X-wave formation, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78 (3), 033826 (2008).
Νίκος Πελεκάνος
- Dialynas GE, Xenogianni C, Tsintzos S, Trichas E, Savvidis PG, Constantinidis G, Renard J, Gayral B, Hatzopoulos Z and Pelekanos NT, Anti-binding of biexcitons in (211)B InAs/GaAs piezoelectric quantum dots, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES 40 (6), 2113-2115 (2008).
- Tsintzos SI, Pelekanos NT, Konstantinidis G, Hatzopoulos Z and Savvidis PG, A GaAs polariton light-emitting diode operating near room temperature, NATURE 453 (7193), 372-375 (2008).
- Zervos M and Pelekanos NT, Current transport in semiconductor nanowires with built-in barriers based on a 1D transfer matrix calculation, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 104 (5), 054302 (2008).
- Trichas E, Xenogianni C, Kayambaki M, Tsotsis P, Iliopoulos E, Pelekanos NT and Savvidis PG, Selective photochemical etching of GaN films and laser lift-off for microcavity fabrication, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 205 (11), 2509-2512 (2008).
- Dialynas GE, Chatzidimitriou N, Kalliakos S, Tsintzos S, Savvidis PG, Hatzopoulos Z and Pelekanos NT, Single dot spectroscopy on InAs/GaAs piezoelectric quantum dots, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 205 (11), 2566-2568 (2008).
- Dialynas GE, Deligeorgis G, Zervos M and Pelekanos NT, Internal field effects on the lasing characteristics of InGaN/GaN quantum well lasers, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 104 (11), 113101 (2008).
Γιώργος Πετεκίδης
- Pham KN, Petekidis G, Vlassopoulos D, Egelhaaf SU, Poon WCK and Pusey PN, Yielding behavior of repulsion- and attraction-dominated colloidal glasses, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 52 (2), 649-676 (2008).
- Le Grand A and Petekidis G, Effects of particle softness on the rheology and yielding of colloidal glasses, RHEOLOGICA ACTA 47 (5-6), 579-590 (2008).
- Voudouris P, Loppinet B and Petekidis G, Particle dynamics within a wetting layer in a colloid-polymer mixture, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 77 (5), 051402 (2008).
- Koumakis N, Schofield AB and Petekidis G, Effects of shear induced crystallization on the rheology and ageing of hard sphere glasses, SOFT MATTER 4 (10), 2008-2018 (2008).
- Ballesta P, Besseling R, Isa L, Petekidis G and Poon WCK, Slip and Flow of Hard-Sphere Colloidal Glasses, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101 (25), 258301 (2008).
Γιάννης Ρεμεδιάκης
- Remediakis IN, Kopidakis G and Kelires PC, Softening of ultra-nanocrystalline diamond at low grain sizes, ACTA MATERIALIA 56 (18), 5340-5344 (2008).
Παύλος Σαββίδης
- Dialynas GE, Xenogianni C, Tsintzos S, Trichas E, Savvidis PG, Constantinidis G, Renard J, Gayral B, Hatzopoulos Z and Pelekanos NT, Anti-binding of biexcitons in (211)B InAs/GaAs piezoelectric quantum dots, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES 40 (6), 2113-2115 (2008).
- Tsintzos SI, Pelekanos NT, Konstantinidis G, Hatzopoulos Z and Savvidis PG, A GaAs polariton light-emitting diode operating near room temperature, NATURE 453 (7193), 372-375 (2008).
- Trichas E, Xenogianni C, Kayambaki M, Tsotsis P, Iliopoulos E, Pelekanos NT and Savvidis PG, Selective photochemical etching of GaN films and laser lift-off for microcavity fabrication, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 205 (11), 2509-2512 (2008).
- Dialynas GE, Chatzidimitriou N, Kalliakos S, Tsintzos S, Savvidis PG, Hatzopoulos Z and Pelekanos NT, Single dot spectroscopy on InAs/GaAs piezoelectric quantum dots, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 205 (11), 2566-2568 (2008).
Κώστας Σούκουλης
- Economou EN, Koschny T and Soukoulis CM, Strong diamagnetic response in split-ring-resonator metamaterials: Numerical study and two-loop model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 (9), 092401 (2008).
- Zhou JF, Koschny T, Kafesaki M and Soukoulis CM, Size dependence and convergence of the retrieval parameters of metamaterials, PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS 6 (1), 96-101 (2008).
- Gundogdu TF, Katsarakis N, Kafesaki M, Penciu RS, Konstantinidis G, Kostopoulos A, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Negative index short-slab pair and continuous wires metamaterials in the far infrared regime, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (12), 9173-9180 (2008).
- Soukoulis CM, Zhou JF, Koschny T, Kafesaki M and Economou EN, The science of negative index materials, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20 (30), 304217 (2008).
- Dai W, Wang B, Koschny T and Soukoulis CM, Experimental verification of quantized conductance for microwave frequencies in photonic crystal waveguides, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78 (7), 073109 (2008).
- Wang BN, Zhou JF, Koschny T and Soukoulis CM, Nonlinear properties of split-ring resonators, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (20), 16058-16063 (2008).
- Penciu RS, Aydin K, Kafesaki M, Koschny T, Ozbay E, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Multi-gap individual and coupled split-ring resonator structures, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (22), 18131-18144 (2008).
- Dai W and Soukoulis CM, Converging and wave guiding of Gaussian beam by two-layer dielectric rods, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93 (20), 201101 (2008).
Στέλιος Τζωρτζάκης
- Faccio D, Averchi A, Lotti A, Di Trapani P, Couairon A, Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, Ultrashort laser pulse filamentation from spontaneous X Wave formation in air, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (3), 1565-1570 (2008).
- Faccio D, Clerici M, Averchi A, Jedrkiewicz O, Tzortzakis S, Papazoglou DG, Bragheri F, Tartara L, Trita A, Henin S, Cristiani I, Couairon A and Di Trapani P, Kerr-induced spontaneous Bessel beam formation in the regime of strong two-photon absorption, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (11), 8213-8218 (2008).
- Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, In-line holography for the characterization of ultrafast laser filamentation in transparent media, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93 (4), 041120 (2008).
- Faccio D, Clerici M, Averchi A, Lotti A, Jedrkiewicz O, Dubietis A, Tamosauskas G, Couairon A, Bragheri F, Papazoglou DG, Tzortzakis S and Di Trapani P, Few-cycle laser-pulse collapse in Kerr media: The role of group-velocity dispersion and X-wave formation, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78 (3), 033826 (2008).
Κώστας Τοκατλίδης
- Alcock FH, Grossmann JG, Gentle IE, Likic VA, Lithgow T and Tokatlidis K, Conserved substrate binding by chaperones in the bacterial periplasm and the mitochondrial intermembrane space, BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 409 377-387 (2008).
- Lionaki E, Lousa CD, Baud C, Vougioukalaki M, Panayotou G and Tokatlidis K, The essential function of Tim12 in vivo is ensured by the assembly interactions of its C-terminal domain, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 283 (23), 15747-15753 (2008).
- Sideris DP, Katrakili N and Tokatlidis K, Redox regulation in mitochondria, FEBS JOURNAL 275 37-37 (2008).
- Lionaki E, Lousa CD, Baud C, Vougioukalaki M, Panayotou G and Tokatlidis K, The essential function of TIM12 in vivo is ensured by the assembly interactions of its C-terminal domain, FEBS JOURNAL 275 224-224 (2008).
- Petrakis N and Tokatlidis K, Import of subunit e of the F(0)/F1 ATP synthase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in mitochondria, FEBS JOURNAL 275 227-227 (2008).
- Sideris DP and Tokatlidis K, Oxidative folding of small TIMS is mediated by site-specific docking onto Mia40 in the mitochondrial intermembrane space, FEBS JOURNAL 275 250-250 (2008).
- Roussakis E, Voutsadaki S, Pinakoulaki E, Sideris DP, Tokatlidis K and Katerinopoulos HE, ICPBCZin: A red emitting ratiometric fluorescent indicator with nanomolar affinity for Zn2+ ions, CELL CALCIUM 44 (3), 270-275 (2008).
Γιώργος Φυτάς
- Still T, Cheng W, Retsch M, Sainidou R, Wang J, Jonas U, Stefanou N and Fytas G, Simultaneous occurrence of structure-directed and particle-resonance-induced phononic gaps in colloidal films, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100 (19), 194301 (2008).
- Michailidou VN, Loppinet B, Vo CD, Ruhe J, Tauer K and Fytas G, Observation of slow down of polystyrene nanogels diffusivities in contact with swollen polystyrene brushes, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL E 26 (1-2), 35-41 (2008).
- Still T, Cheng W, Retsch M, Jonas U and Fytas G, Colloidal systems: a promising material class for tailoring sound propagation at high frequencies, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20 (40), 404203 (2008).
- Anyfantakis M, Loppinet B, Fytas G and Pispas S, Optical spatial solitons and modulation instabilities in transparent entangled polymer solutions, OPTICS LETTERS 33 (23), 2839-2841 (2008).
Μαρία Βαμβακάκη
- Sakai K, Vamvakaki M, Smith EG, Wanless EJ, Armes SP and Biggs S, Adsorption characteristics of zwitterionic diblock copolymers at the silica/aqueous solution interface, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 317 (2), 383-394 (2008).
- Sakai K, Webber GB, Vo CD, Wanless EJ, Vamvakaki M, Butun V, Armes SP and Biggs S, Characterization of layer-by-layer self-assembled multilayer films of diblock copolymer micelles, LANGMUIR 24 (1), 116-123 (2008).
- Vamvakaki M and Patrickios CS, Synthesis and characterization of the swelling and mechanical properties of amphiphilic ionizable model co-networks containing n-butyl methacrylate hydrophobic blocks, SOFT MATTER 4 (2), 268-276 (2008).
- Farsari M, Ovsianikov A, Vamvakaki M, Sakellari I, Gray D, Chichkov BN and Fotakis C, Fabrication of three-dimensional photonic crystal structures containing an active nonlinear optical chromophore, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 93 (1), 11-15 (2008).
- Ovsianikov A, Viertl J, Chichkov B, Oubaha M, MacCraith B, Sakellari I, Giakoumaki A, Gray D, Vamvakaki M, Farsari M and Fotakis C, Ultra-Low Shrinkage Hybrid Photosensitive Material for Two-Photon Polymerization Microfabrication, ACS NANO 2 (11), 2257-2262 (2008).
Κέλλυ Βελώνια
- Le Droumaguet B and Velonia K, Click chemistry: A powerful tool to create polymer-based macromolecular chimeras, MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 29 (12-13), 1073-1089 (2008).
- Le Droumaguet B and Velonia K, In situ ATRP-Mediated hierarchical formation of giant amphiphile bionanoreactors, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 47 (33), 6263-6266 (2008).
Δημήτρης Βλασσόπουλος
- Pham KN, Petekidis G, Vlassopoulos D, Egelhaaf SU, Poon WCK and Pusey PN, Yielding behavior of repulsion- and attraction-dominated colloidal glasses, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 52 (2), 649-676 (2008).
- Rogers SA, Vlassopoulos D and Callaghan PT, Aging, yielding, and shear banding in soft colloidal glasses, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100 (12), 128304 (2008).
- Hilliou L, Vlassopoulos D, Pispas S and Hadjichristidis N, A rheo-optical study of stress-fluctuations coupling in a disordered and entangled diblock copolymer solution, MACROMOLECULES 41 (9), 3328-3338 (2008).
- Beris AN, Stiakakis E and Vlassopoulos D, A thermodynamically consistent model for the thixotropic behavior of concentrated star polymer suspensions, JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS 152 (1-3), 76-85 (2008).
- Watanabe H, Matsumiya Y, van Ruymbeke E, Vlassopoulos D and Hadjichristidis N, Viscoelastic and dielectric relaxation of a Cayley-tree-type polyisoprene: Test of molecular picture of dynamic tube dilation, MACROMOLECULES 41 (16), 6110-6124 (2008).
- Mayer C, Zaccarelli E, Stiakakis E, Likos CN, Sciortino F, Munam A, Gauthier M, Hadjichristidis N, Iatrou H, Tartaglia P, Lowen H and Vlassopoulos D, Asymmetric caging in soft colloidal mixtures, NATURE MATERIALS 7 (10), 780-784 (2008).
- Kapnistos M, Lang M, Vlassopoulos D, Pyckhout-Hintzen W, Richter D, Cho D, Chang T and Rubinstein M, Unexpected power-law stress relaxation of entangled ring polymers, NATURE MATERIALS 7 (12), 997-1002 (2008).
Γιάννης Γιαπιντζάκης
- Stylianou M, Drouza C, Viskadourakis Z, Giapintzakis J and Keramidas AD, Synthesis, structure, magnetic properties and aqueous solution characterization of p-hydroquinone and phenol iminodiacetate copper(II) complexes, DALTON TRANSACTIONS - (44), 6188-6204 (2008).
Μαρία Καφεσάκη
- Zhou JF, Koschny T, Kafesaki M and Soukoulis CM, Size dependence and convergence of the retrieval parameters of metamaterials, PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS 6 (1), 96-101 (2008).
- Gundogdu TF, Katsarakis N, Kafesaki M, Penciu RS, Konstantinidis G, Kostopoulos A, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Negative index short-slab pair and continuous wires metamaterials in the far infrared regime, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (12), 9173-9180 (2008).
- Soukoulis CM, Zhou JF, Koschny T, Kafesaki M and Economou EN, The science of negative index materials, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20 (30), 304217 (2008).
- Penciu RS, Aydin K, Kafesaki M, Koschny T, Ozbay E, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Multi-gap individual and coupled split-ring resonator structures, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (22), 18131-18144 (2008).
Γιώργος Κιοσέογλου
- Kioseoglou G, Yasar M, Li CH, Korkusinski M, Diaz-Avila M, Hanbicki AT, Hawrylak P, Petrou A and Jonker BT, Intershell Exchange and Sequential Electrically Injected Spin Populations of InAs Quantum-Dot Shell States, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101 (22), 227203 (2008).
Γιώργος Κοπιδάκης
- Kopidakis G, Komineas S, Flach S and Aubry S, Absence of wave packet diffusion in disordered nonlinear systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100 (8), 084103 (2008).
- Remediakis IN, Kopidakis G and Kelires PC, Softening of ultra-nanocrystalline diamond at low grain sizes, ACTA MATERIALIA 56 (18), 5340-5344 (2008).
Ευάγγελος Μανιάς
- Zhang JG, Manias E and Wilkie CA, Polymerically modified layered silicates: An effective route to nanocomposites, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 8 (4), 1597-1615 (2008).
Άννα Μητράκη
- Dinca V, Kasotakis E, Catherine J, Mourka A, Ranella A, Ovsianikov A, Chichkov BN, Farsari M, Mitraki A and Fotakis C, Directed three-dimensional patterning of self-assembled peptide fibrils, NANO LETTERS 8 (2), 538-543 (2008).
Δημήτρης Παπάζογλου
- Faccio D, Averchi A, Lotti A, Di Trapani P, Couairon A, Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, Ultrashort laser pulse filamentation from spontaneous X Wave formation in air, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (3), 1565-1570 (2008).
- Faccio D, Clerici M, Averchi A, Jedrkiewicz O, Tzortzakis S, Papazoglou DG, Bragheri F, Tartara L, Trita A, Henin S, Cristiani I, Couairon A and Di Trapani P, Kerr-induced spontaneous Bessel beam formation in the regime of strong two-photon absorption, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (11), 8213-8218 (2008).
- Camposeo A, Persano L, Del Carro P, Papazoglou DG, Stassinopoulos A, Anglos D, Cingolani R and Pisignano D, Longitudinal coherence of organic-based microcavity lasers, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (14), 10384-10389 (2008).
- Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, In-line holography for the characterization of ultrafast laser filamentation in transparent media, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93 (4), 041120 (2008).
- Faccio D, Clerici M, Averchi A, Lotti A, Jedrkiewicz O, Dubietis A, Tamosauskas G, Couairon A, Bragheri F, Papazoglou DG, Tzortzakis S and Di Trapani P, Few-cycle laser-pulse collapse in Kerr media: The role of group-velocity dispersion and X-wave formation, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78 (3), 033826 (2008).
Νίκος Πελεκάνος
- Dialynas GE, Xenogianni C, Tsintzos S, Trichas E, Savvidis PG, Constantinidis G, Renard J, Gayral B, Hatzopoulos Z and Pelekanos NT, Anti-binding of biexcitons in (211)B InAs/GaAs piezoelectric quantum dots, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES 40 (6), 2113-2115 (2008).
- Tsintzos SI, Pelekanos NT, Konstantinidis G, Hatzopoulos Z and Savvidis PG, A GaAs polariton light-emitting diode operating near room temperature, NATURE 453 (7193), 372-375 (2008).
- Zervos M and Pelekanos NT, Current transport in semiconductor nanowires with built-in barriers based on a 1D transfer matrix calculation, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 104 (5), 054302 (2008).
- Trichas E, Xenogianni C, Kayambaki M, Tsotsis P, Iliopoulos E, Pelekanos NT and Savvidis PG, Selective photochemical etching of GaN films and laser lift-off for microcavity fabrication, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 205 (11), 2509-2512 (2008).
- Dialynas GE, Chatzidimitriou N, Kalliakos S, Tsintzos S, Savvidis PG, Hatzopoulos Z and Pelekanos NT, Single dot spectroscopy on InAs/GaAs piezoelectric quantum dots, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 205 (11), 2566-2568 (2008).
- Dialynas GE, Deligeorgis G, Zervos M and Pelekanos NT, Internal field effects on the lasing characteristics of InGaN/GaN quantum well lasers, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 104 (11), 113101 (2008).
Γιώργος Πετεκίδης
- Pham KN, Petekidis G, Vlassopoulos D, Egelhaaf SU, Poon WCK and Pusey PN, Yielding behavior of repulsion- and attraction-dominated colloidal glasses, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 52 (2), 649-676 (2008).
- Le Grand A and Petekidis G, Effects of particle softness on the rheology and yielding of colloidal glasses, RHEOLOGICA ACTA 47 (5-6), 579-590 (2008).
- Voudouris P, Loppinet B and Petekidis G, Particle dynamics within a wetting layer in a colloid-polymer mixture, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 77 (5), 051402 (2008).
- Koumakis N, Schofield AB and Petekidis G, Effects of shear induced crystallization on the rheology and ageing of hard sphere glasses, SOFT MATTER 4 (10), 2008-2018 (2008).
- Ballesta P, Besseling R, Isa L, Petekidis G and Poon WCK, Slip and Flow of Hard-Sphere Colloidal Glasses, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101 (25), 258301 (2008).
Γιάννης Ρεμεδιάκης
- Remediakis IN, Kopidakis G and Kelires PC, Softening of ultra-nanocrystalline diamond at low grain sizes, ACTA MATERIALIA 56 (18), 5340-5344 (2008).
Παύλος Σαββίδης
- Dialynas GE, Xenogianni C, Tsintzos S, Trichas E, Savvidis PG, Constantinidis G, Renard J, Gayral B, Hatzopoulos Z and Pelekanos NT, Anti-binding of biexcitons in (211)B InAs/GaAs piezoelectric quantum dots, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES 40 (6), 2113-2115 (2008).
- Tsintzos SI, Pelekanos NT, Konstantinidis G, Hatzopoulos Z and Savvidis PG, A GaAs polariton light-emitting diode operating near room temperature, NATURE 453 (7193), 372-375 (2008).
- Trichas E, Xenogianni C, Kayambaki M, Tsotsis P, Iliopoulos E, Pelekanos NT and Savvidis PG, Selective photochemical etching of GaN films and laser lift-off for microcavity fabrication, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 205 (11), 2509-2512 (2008).
- Dialynas GE, Chatzidimitriou N, Kalliakos S, Tsintzos S, Savvidis PG, Hatzopoulos Z and Pelekanos NT, Single dot spectroscopy on InAs/GaAs piezoelectric quantum dots, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 205 (11), 2566-2568 (2008).
Κώστας Σούκουλης
- Economou EN, Koschny T and Soukoulis CM, Strong diamagnetic response in split-ring-resonator metamaterials: Numerical study and two-loop model, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77 (9), 092401 (2008).
- Zhou JF, Koschny T, Kafesaki M and Soukoulis CM, Size dependence and convergence of the retrieval parameters of metamaterials, PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS 6 (1), 96-101 (2008).
- Gundogdu TF, Katsarakis N, Kafesaki M, Penciu RS, Konstantinidis G, Kostopoulos A, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Negative index short-slab pair and continuous wires metamaterials in the far infrared regime, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (12), 9173-9180 (2008).
- Soukoulis CM, Zhou JF, Koschny T, Kafesaki M and Economou EN, The science of negative index materials, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20 (30), 304217 (2008).
- Dai W, Wang B, Koschny T and Soukoulis CM, Experimental verification of quantized conductance for microwave frequencies in photonic crystal waveguides, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78 (7), 073109 (2008).
- Wang BN, Zhou JF, Koschny T and Soukoulis CM, Nonlinear properties of split-ring resonators, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (20), 16058-16063 (2008).
- Penciu RS, Aydin K, Kafesaki M, Koschny T, Ozbay E, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Multi-gap individual and coupled split-ring resonator structures, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (22), 18131-18144 (2008).
- Dai W and Soukoulis CM, Converging and wave guiding of Gaussian beam by two-layer dielectric rods, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93 (20), 201101 (2008).
Στέλιος Τζωρτζάκης
- Faccio D, Averchi A, Lotti A, Di Trapani P, Couairon A, Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, Ultrashort laser pulse filamentation from spontaneous X Wave formation in air, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (3), 1565-1570 (2008).
- Faccio D, Clerici M, Averchi A, Jedrkiewicz O, Tzortzakis S, Papazoglou DG, Bragheri F, Tartara L, Trita A, Henin S, Cristiani I, Couairon A and Di Trapani P, Kerr-induced spontaneous Bessel beam formation in the regime of strong two-photon absorption, OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (11), 8213-8218 (2008).
- Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, In-line holography for the characterization of ultrafast laser filamentation in transparent media, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93 (4), 041120 (2008).
- Faccio D, Clerici M, Averchi A, Lotti A, Jedrkiewicz O, Dubietis A, Tamosauskas G, Couairon A, Bragheri F, Papazoglou DG, Tzortzakis S and Di Trapani P, Few-cycle laser-pulse collapse in Kerr media: The role of group-velocity dispersion and X-wave formation, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78 (3), 033826 (2008).
Κώστας Τοκατλίδης
- Alcock FH, Grossmann JG, Gentle IE, Likic VA, Lithgow T and Tokatlidis K, Conserved substrate binding by chaperones in the bacterial periplasm and the mitochondrial intermembrane space, BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 409 377-387 (2008).
- Lionaki E, Lousa CD, Baud C, Vougioukalaki M, Panayotou G and Tokatlidis K, The essential function of Tim12 in vivo is ensured by the assembly interactions of its C-terminal domain, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 283 (23), 15747-15753 (2008).
- Sideris DP, Katrakili N and Tokatlidis K, Redox regulation in mitochondria, FEBS JOURNAL 275 37-37 (2008).
- Lionaki E, Lousa CD, Baud C, Vougioukalaki M, Panayotou G and Tokatlidis K, The essential function of TIM12 in vivo is ensured by the assembly interactions of its C-terminal domain, FEBS JOURNAL 275 224-224 (2008).
- Petrakis N and Tokatlidis K, Import of subunit e of the F(0)/F1 ATP synthase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in mitochondria, FEBS JOURNAL 275 227-227 (2008).
- Sideris DP and Tokatlidis K, Oxidative folding of small TIMS is mediated by site-specific docking onto Mia40 in the mitochondrial intermembrane space, FEBS JOURNAL 275 250-250 (2008).
- Roussakis E, Voutsadaki S, Pinakoulaki E, Sideris DP, Tokatlidis K and Katerinopoulos HE, ICPBCZin: A red emitting ratiometric fluorescent indicator with nanomolar affinity for Zn2+ ions, CELL CALCIUM 44 (3), 270-275 (2008).
Γιώργος Φυτάς
- Still T, Cheng W, Retsch M, Sainidou R, Wang J, Jonas U, Stefanou N and Fytas G, Simultaneous occurrence of structure-directed and particle-resonance-induced phononic gaps in colloidal films, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100 (19), 194301 (2008).
- Michailidou VN, Loppinet B, Vo CD, Ruhe J, Tauer K and Fytas G, Observation of slow down of polystyrene nanogels diffusivities in contact with swollen polystyrene brushes, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL E 26 (1-2), 35-41 (2008).
- Still T, Cheng W, Retsch M, Jonas U and Fytas G, Colloidal systems: a promising material class for tailoring sound propagation at high frequencies, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20 (40), 404203 (2008).
- Anyfantakis M, Loppinet B, Fytas G and Pispas S, Optical spatial solitons and modulation instabilities in transparent entangled polymer solutions, OPTICS LETTERS 33 (23), 2839-2841 (2008).