Ερευνητικές Δημοσιεύσεις 2007
Μαρία Βαμβακάκη
- Triftaridou AI, Kafouris D, Vamvakaki M, Georgiou TK, Krasia TC, Themistou E, Hadjiantoniou N and Patrickios CS, Three different types of quasi-model networks: synthesis by group transfer polymerization and characterization, POLYMER BULLETIN 58 (1), 185-190 (2007).
- Biggs S, Sakai K, Addison T, Schmid A, Armes SP, Vamvakaki M, Butun V and Webber G, Layer-by-layer formation of smart particle coatings using oppositely charged block copolymer micelles, ADVANCED MATERIALS 19 (2), 247-+ (2007).
- Palioura D, Armes SP, Anastasiadis SH and Vamvakaki M, Metal nanocrystals incorporated within pH-responsive microgel particles, LANGMUIR 23 (10), 5761-5768 (2007).
- Vamvakaki M, Patrickios CS, Lindner P and Gradzielski M, Amphiphilic networks based on cross-linked star polymers: A small-angle neutron scattering study, LANGMUIR 23 (21), 10433-10437 (2007).
Δημήτρης Βλασσόπουλος
- van Ruymbeke E, Kapnistos M, Vlassopoulos D, Huang TZ and Knauss DM, Linear melt rheology of pom-pom polystyrenes with unentangled branches, MACROMOLECULES 40 (5), 1713-1719 (2007).
- Helgeson ME, Wagner NJ and Vlassopoulos D, Viscoelasticity and shear melting of colloidal star polymer glasses, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 51 (2), 297-316 (2007).
- Vlassopoulos D, Georgiou G and Winter HH, Third annual European rheology conference (AERC 2006), Hersonisos, Crete, Greece, 27-29 april 2006, RHEOLOGICA ACTA 46 (5), 539-539 (2007).
- Mayer C, Stiakakis E, Zaccarelli E, Likos CN, Sciortino F, Tartaglia P, Lowen H and Vlassopoulos D, Rheological transitions in asymmetric colloidal star mixtures, RHEOLOGICA ACTA 46 (5), 611-619 (2007).
- van Ruymbeke E, Orfanou K, Kapnistos M, Iatrou H, Pitsikalis M, Hadjichristidis N, Lohse DJ and Vlassopoulos D, Entangled dendritic polymers and beyond: Rheology of symmetric cayley-tree polymers and macromolecular self-assemblies, MACROMOLECULES 40 (16), 5941-5952 (2007).
- Coppola S, Grizzuti N, Floudas G and Vlassopoulos D, Viscoelasticity and crystallization of poly(ethylene oxide) star polymers of varying arm number and size, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 51 (5), 1007-1025 (2007).
- Vlassopoulos D and Georgiou G, 3rd Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2006), Hersonisos, Crete, Greece, 27-29 April 2006, JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS 146 (1-3), 1-2 (2007).
Γιάννης Γιαπιντζάκης
- Parames ML, Viskadourakis Z, Rogalski MS, Mariano J, Popovici N, Giapintzakis J and Conde O, Magnetic properties of Fe3O4 thin films grown on different substrates by laser ablation, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 253 (19), 8201-8205 (2007).
- Parames ML, Viskadourakis Z, Giapintzakis J, Rogalski MS and Conde O, Magnetoresistance of magnetite thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition on GaAs(100) and Al2O3(0001), APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 254 (4), 1255-1259 (2007).
Εμμανουήλ Γλυνός
- Glynos E, Chremos A, Petekidis G, Camp PJ and Koutsos V, Polymer-like to soft colloid-like behavior of regular star polymers adsorbed on surfaces, MACROMOLECULES 40 (19), 6947-6958 (2007).
Μαρία Καφεσάκη
- Soukoulis CM, Koschny T, Zhou JF, Kafesaki M and Economou EN, Magnetic response of split ring resonators at terahertz frequencies, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 244 (4), 1181-1187 (2007).
- Kafesaki M, Koschny T, Zhou J, Katsarakis N, Tsiapa I, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Electromagnetic behaviour of left-handed materials, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 394 (2), 148-154 (2007).
- Kafesaki M, Tsiapa I, Katsarakis N, Koschny T, Soukoulis CM and Economou EN, Left-handed metamaterials: The fishnet structure and its variations, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 (23), 235114 (2007).
- Foteinopoulou S, Kafesaki M, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Backward surface waves at photonic crystals, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 (24), 245116 (2007).
- Gundogdu TF, Gokkavas M, Guven K, Kafesaki M, SoukouhS CM and Ozbay E, Simulation and micro-fabrication of optically switchable split ring resonators, PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS 5 (2-3), 106-112 (2007).
- Foteinopoulou S, Kenanakis G, Katsarakis N, Tsiapa I, Kafesaki M, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Experimental verification of backward wave propagation at photonic crystal surfaces, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91 (21), 214102 (2007).
Γιώργος Κοπιδάκης
- Mathioudakis C, Kopidakis G, Patsalas P and Kelires PC, Disorder and optical properties of amorphous carbon, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 16 (10), 1788-1792 (2007).
- Remediakis IN, Fyta MG, Mathioudakis C, Kopidakis G and Kelires PC, Structure, elastic properties and strength of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 16 (10), 1835-1840 (2007).
- Kopidakis G, Remediakis IN, Fyta MG and Kelires PC, Atomic and electronic structure of crystalline-amorphous carbon interfaces, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 16 (10), 1875-1881 (2007).
Άννα Μητράκη
- Lepere M, Chevallard C, Hernandez JF, Mitraki A and Guenoun P, Multiscale surface self-assembly of an amyloid-like peptide, LANGMUIR 23 (15), 8150-8155 (2007).
- Dinca V, Kasotakis E, Catherine J, Mourka A, Mitraki A, Popescu A, Dinescu M, Farsari M and Fotakis C, Development of peptide-based patterns by laser transfer, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 254 (4), 1160-1163 (2007).
Δημήτρης Παπάζογλου
- Papadakis VM, Stassinopoulos A, Anglos D, Anastasiadis SH, Giannelis EP and Papazoglou DG, Single-shot temporal coherence measurements of random lasing media, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS 24 (1), 31-36 (2007).
- Papazoglou DG, Zergioti I and Tzortzakis S, Plasma strings from ultraviolet laser filaments drive permanent structural modifications in fused silica, OPTICS LETTERS 32 (14), 2055-2057 (2007).
- Zergioti I, Kyrkis KD, Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, Structural modifications in fused silica induced by ultraviolet fs laser filaments, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 253 (19), 7865-7868 (2007).
Νίκος Πελεκάνος
- Kalaitzakis FG, Pelekanos NT, Prystawko P, Leszczynski M and Konstantinidis G, Low resistance as-deposited Cr/Au contacts on p-type GaN, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91 (26), 261103 (2007).
Γιώργος Πετεκίδης
- Tommaseo G, Petekidis G, Steffen W, Fytas G, Schofield AB and Stefanou N, Hypersonic acoustic excitations in binary colloidal crystals: Big versus small hard sphere control, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 126 (1), 014707 (2007).
- Glynos E, Chremos A, Petekidis G, Camp PJ and Koutsos V, Polymer-like to soft colloid-like behavior of regular star polymers adsorbed on surfaces, MACROMOLECULES 40 (19), 6947-6958 (2007).
Γιάννης Ρεμεδιάκης
- Remediakis IN, Fyta MG, Mathioudakis C, Kopidakis G and Kelires PC, Structure, elastic properties and strength of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 16 (10), 1835-1840 (2007).
- Kopidakis G, Remediakis IN, Fyta MG and Kelires PC, Atomic and electronic structure of crystalline-amorphous carbon interfaces, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 16 (10), 1875-1881 (2007).
Κώστας Σούκουλης
- Dolling G, Wegener M, Soukoulis CM and Linden S, Negative-index metamaterial at 780 nm wavelength, OPTICS LETTERS 32 (1), 53-55 (2007).
- Soukoulis CM, Koschny T, Zhou JF, Kafesaki M and Economou EN, Magnetic response of split ring resonators at terahertz frequencies, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 244 (4), 1181-1187 (2007).
- Kafesaki M, Koschny T, Zhou J, Katsarakis N, Tsiapa I, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Electromagnetic behaviour of left-handed materials, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 394 (2), 148-154 (2007).
- Kafesaki M, Tsiapa I, Katsarakis N, Koschny T, Soukoulis CM and Economou EN, Left-handed metamaterials: The fishnet structure and its variations, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 (23), 235114 (2007).
- Foteinopoulou S, Kafesaki M, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Backward surface waves at photonic crystals, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 (24), 245116 (2007).
- Dolling G, Wegener M, Soukoulis CM and Linden S, Design-related losses of double-fishnet negative-index photonic metamaterials, OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (18), 11536-11541 (2007).
- Katsarakis N, Kafesaki A, Tsiapa I, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, High transmittance left-handed materials involving symmetric split-ring resonators, PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS 5 (4), 149-155 (2007).
- Foteinopoulou S, Kenanakis G, Katsarakis N, Tsiapa I, Kafesaki M, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Experimental verification of backward wave propagation at photonic crystal surfaces, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91 (21), 214102 (2007).
- Moussa R, Wang B, Tuttle G, Koschny T and Soukoulis CM, Effect of beaming and enhanced transmission in photonic crystals, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76 (23), 235417 (2007).
- Zhou JF, Koschny T and Soukoulis CM, Magnetic and electric excitations in split ring resonators, OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (26), 17881-17890 (2007).
Στέλιος Τζωρτζάκης
- Papazoglou DG, Zergioti I and Tzortzakis S, Plasma strings from ultraviolet laser filaments drive permanent structural modifications in fused silica, OPTICS LETTERS 32 (14), 2055-2057 (2007).
- Zergioti I, Kyrkis KD, Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, Structural modifications in fused silica induced by ultraviolet fs laser filaments, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 253 (19), 7865-7868 (2007).
Κώστας Τοκατλίδης
- Gentle IE, Perry AJ, Alcock FH, Likic VA, Dolezal P, Ng ET, Purcell AW, McConnville M, Naderer T, Chanez AL, Charriere F, Aschinger C, Schneider A, Tokatlidis K and Lithgow T, Conserved motifs reveal details of ancestry and structure in the small TIM chaperones of the mitochondrial intermembrane space, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 24 (5), 1149-1160 (2007).
- Baud C, de Marcos-Lousa C and Tokatlidis K, Molecular interactions of the mitochondrial Tim12 translocase subunit, PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS 14 (6), 597-600 (2007).
- Sideris DP and Tokatlidis K, Oxidative folding of small Tims is mediated by site-specific docking onto Mia40 in the mitochondrial intermembrane space, MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY 65 (5), 1360-1373 (2007).
- Vergnolle MAS, Alcock FH, Petrakis N and Tokatlidis K, Mutation of conserved charged residues in mitochondrial TIM10 Subunits precludes TIM10 complex assembly, but does not abolish growth of yeast cells, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 371 (5), 1315-1324 (2007).
Εμμανουέλα Φιλιππίδη
- Filippidi E, Michailidou V, Loppinet B, Ruhe J and Fytas G, Brownian diffusion close to a polymer brush, LANGMUIR 23 (9), 5139-5142 (2007).
Γιώργος Φυτάς
- Kroeger A, Deimede V, Belack J, Lieberwirth I, Fytas G and Wegner G, Equilibrium length and shape of rodlike polyelectrolyte micelles in dilute aqueous solutions, MACROMOLECULES 40 (1), 105-115 (2007).
- Tommaseo G, Petekidis G, Steffen W, Fytas G, Schofield AB and Stefanou N, Hypersonic acoustic excitations in binary colloidal crystals: Big versus small hard sphere control, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 126 (1), 014707 (2007).
- Filippidi E, Michailidou V, Loppinet B, Ruhe J and Fytas G, Brownian diffusion close to a polymer brush, LANGMUIR 23 (9), 5139-5142 (2007).
- Gianneli M, Beines PW, Roskamp RF, Koynov K, Fytas G and Knoll W, Local and global dynamics of transient polymer networks and swollen gels anchored on solid surfaces, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 111 (35), 13205-13211 (2007).
- Cheng W, Sainidou R, Burgardt P, Stefanou N, Kiyanova A, Efremov M, Fytas G and Nealey PF, Elastic properties and glass transition of supported polymer thin films, MACROMOLECULES 40 (20), 7283-7290 (2007).
- Hermans TM, Broeren MAC, Gomopoulos N, Smeijers AF, Mezari B, Van Leeuwen ENM, Vos MRJ, Magusin PCMM, Hilbers PAJ, Van Genderen MHP, Sommerdijk NAJM, Fytas G and Meijer EW, Stepwise noncovalent synthesis leading to dendrimer-based assemblies in water, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 129 (50), 15631-15638 (2007).
Μαρία Βαμβακάκη
- Triftaridou AI, Kafouris D, Vamvakaki M, Georgiou TK, Krasia TC, Themistou E, Hadjiantoniou N and Patrickios CS, Three different types of quasi-model networks: synthesis by group transfer polymerization and characterization, POLYMER BULLETIN 58 (1), 185-190 (2007).
- Biggs S, Sakai K, Addison T, Schmid A, Armes SP, Vamvakaki M, Butun V and Webber G, Layer-by-layer formation of smart particle coatings using oppositely charged block copolymer micelles, ADVANCED MATERIALS 19 (2), 247-+ (2007).
- Palioura D, Armes SP, Anastasiadis SH and Vamvakaki M, Metal nanocrystals incorporated within pH-responsive microgel particles, LANGMUIR 23 (10), 5761-5768 (2007).
- Vamvakaki M, Patrickios CS, Lindner P and Gradzielski M, Amphiphilic networks based on cross-linked star polymers: A small-angle neutron scattering study, LANGMUIR 23 (21), 10433-10437 (2007).
Δημήτρης Βλασσόπουλος
- van Ruymbeke E, Kapnistos M, Vlassopoulos D, Huang TZ and Knauss DM, Linear melt rheology of pom-pom polystyrenes with unentangled branches, MACROMOLECULES 40 (5), 1713-1719 (2007).
- Helgeson ME, Wagner NJ and Vlassopoulos D, Viscoelasticity and shear melting of colloidal star polymer glasses, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 51 (2), 297-316 (2007).
- Vlassopoulos D, Georgiou G and Winter HH, Third annual European rheology conference (AERC 2006), Hersonisos, Crete, Greece, 27-29 april 2006, RHEOLOGICA ACTA 46 (5), 539-539 (2007).
- Mayer C, Stiakakis E, Zaccarelli E, Likos CN, Sciortino F, Tartaglia P, Lowen H and Vlassopoulos D, Rheological transitions in asymmetric colloidal star mixtures, RHEOLOGICA ACTA 46 (5), 611-619 (2007).
- van Ruymbeke E, Orfanou K, Kapnistos M, Iatrou H, Pitsikalis M, Hadjichristidis N, Lohse DJ and Vlassopoulos D, Entangled dendritic polymers and beyond: Rheology of symmetric cayley-tree polymers and macromolecular self-assemblies, MACROMOLECULES 40 (16), 5941-5952 (2007).
- Coppola S, Grizzuti N, Floudas G and Vlassopoulos D, Viscoelasticity and crystallization of poly(ethylene oxide) star polymers of varying arm number and size, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 51 (5), 1007-1025 (2007).
- Vlassopoulos D and Georgiou G, 3rd Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2006), Hersonisos, Crete, Greece, 27-29 April 2006, JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS 146 (1-3), 1-2 (2007).
Γιάννης Γιαπιντζάκης
- Parames ML, Viskadourakis Z, Rogalski MS, Mariano J, Popovici N, Giapintzakis J and Conde O, Magnetic properties of Fe3O4 thin films grown on different substrates by laser ablation, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 253 (19), 8201-8205 (2007).
- Parames ML, Viskadourakis Z, Giapintzakis J, Rogalski MS and Conde O, Magnetoresistance of magnetite thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition on GaAs(100) and Al2O3(0001), APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 254 (4), 1255-1259 (2007).
Εμμανουήλ Γλυνός
- Glynos E, Chremos A, Petekidis G, Camp PJ and Koutsos V, Polymer-like to soft colloid-like behavior of regular star polymers adsorbed on surfaces, MACROMOLECULES 40 (19), 6947-6958 (2007).
Μαρία Καφεσάκη
- Soukoulis CM, Koschny T, Zhou JF, Kafesaki M and Economou EN, Magnetic response of split ring resonators at terahertz frequencies, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 244 (4), 1181-1187 (2007).
- Kafesaki M, Koschny T, Zhou J, Katsarakis N, Tsiapa I, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Electromagnetic behaviour of left-handed materials, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 394 (2), 148-154 (2007).
- Kafesaki M, Tsiapa I, Katsarakis N, Koschny T, Soukoulis CM and Economou EN, Left-handed metamaterials: The fishnet structure and its variations, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 (23), 235114 (2007).
- Foteinopoulou S, Kafesaki M, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Backward surface waves at photonic crystals, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 (24), 245116 (2007).
- Gundogdu TF, Gokkavas M, Guven K, Kafesaki M, SoukouhS CM and Ozbay E, Simulation and micro-fabrication of optically switchable split ring resonators, PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS 5 (2-3), 106-112 (2007).
- Foteinopoulou S, Kenanakis G, Katsarakis N, Tsiapa I, Kafesaki M, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Experimental verification of backward wave propagation at photonic crystal surfaces, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91 (21), 214102 (2007).
Γιώργος Κοπιδάκης
- Mathioudakis C, Kopidakis G, Patsalas P and Kelires PC, Disorder and optical properties of amorphous carbon, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 16 (10), 1788-1792 (2007).
- Remediakis IN, Fyta MG, Mathioudakis C, Kopidakis G and Kelires PC, Structure, elastic properties and strength of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 16 (10), 1835-1840 (2007).
- Kopidakis G, Remediakis IN, Fyta MG and Kelires PC, Atomic and electronic structure of crystalline-amorphous carbon interfaces, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 16 (10), 1875-1881 (2007).
Άννα Μητράκη
- Lepere M, Chevallard C, Hernandez JF, Mitraki A and Guenoun P, Multiscale surface self-assembly of an amyloid-like peptide, LANGMUIR 23 (15), 8150-8155 (2007).
- Dinca V, Kasotakis E, Catherine J, Mourka A, Mitraki A, Popescu A, Dinescu M, Farsari M and Fotakis C, Development of peptide-based patterns by laser transfer, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 254 (4), 1160-1163 (2007).
Δημήτρης Παπάζογλου
- Papadakis VM, Stassinopoulos A, Anglos D, Anastasiadis SH, Giannelis EP and Papazoglou DG, Single-shot temporal coherence measurements of random lasing media, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS 24 (1), 31-36 (2007).
- Papazoglou DG, Zergioti I and Tzortzakis S, Plasma strings from ultraviolet laser filaments drive permanent structural modifications in fused silica, OPTICS LETTERS 32 (14), 2055-2057 (2007).
- Zergioti I, Kyrkis KD, Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, Structural modifications in fused silica induced by ultraviolet fs laser filaments, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 253 (19), 7865-7868 (2007).
Νίκος Πελεκάνος
- Kalaitzakis FG, Pelekanos NT, Prystawko P, Leszczynski M and Konstantinidis G, Low resistance as-deposited Cr/Au contacts on p-type GaN, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91 (26), 261103 (2007).
Γιώργος Πετεκίδης
- Tommaseo G, Petekidis G, Steffen W, Fytas G, Schofield AB and Stefanou N, Hypersonic acoustic excitations in binary colloidal crystals: Big versus small hard sphere control, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 126 (1), 014707 (2007).
- Glynos E, Chremos A, Petekidis G, Camp PJ and Koutsos V, Polymer-like to soft colloid-like behavior of regular star polymers adsorbed on surfaces, MACROMOLECULES 40 (19), 6947-6958 (2007).
Γιάννης Ρεμεδιάκης
- Remediakis IN, Fyta MG, Mathioudakis C, Kopidakis G and Kelires PC, Structure, elastic properties and strength of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 16 (10), 1835-1840 (2007).
- Kopidakis G, Remediakis IN, Fyta MG and Kelires PC, Atomic and electronic structure of crystalline-amorphous carbon interfaces, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 16 (10), 1875-1881 (2007).
Κώστας Σούκουλης
- Dolling G, Wegener M, Soukoulis CM and Linden S, Negative-index metamaterial at 780 nm wavelength, OPTICS LETTERS 32 (1), 53-55 (2007).
- Soukoulis CM, Koschny T, Zhou JF, Kafesaki M and Economou EN, Magnetic response of split ring resonators at terahertz frequencies, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 244 (4), 1181-1187 (2007).
- Kafesaki M, Koschny T, Zhou J, Katsarakis N, Tsiapa I, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Electromagnetic behaviour of left-handed materials, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 394 (2), 148-154 (2007).
- Kafesaki M, Tsiapa I, Katsarakis N, Koschny T, Soukoulis CM and Economou EN, Left-handed metamaterials: The fishnet structure and its variations, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 (23), 235114 (2007).
- Foteinopoulou S, Kafesaki M, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Backward surface waves at photonic crystals, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 (24), 245116 (2007).
- Dolling G, Wegener M, Soukoulis CM and Linden S, Design-related losses of double-fishnet negative-index photonic metamaterials, OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (18), 11536-11541 (2007).
- Katsarakis N, Kafesaki A, Tsiapa I, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, High transmittance left-handed materials involving symmetric split-ring resonators, PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS 5 (4), 149-155 (2007).
- Foteinopoulou S, Kenanakis G, Katsarakis N, Tsiapa I, Kafesaki M, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Experimental verification of backward wave propagation at photonic crystal surfaces, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91 (21), 214102 (2007).
- Moussa R, Wang B, Tuttle G, Koschny T and Soukoulis CM, Effect of beaming and enhanced transmission in photonic crystals, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76 (23), 235417 (2007).
- Zhou JF, Koschny T and Soukoulis CM, Magnetic and electric excitations in split ring resonators, OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (26), 17881-17890 (2007).
Στέλιος Τζωρτζάκης
- Papazoglou DG, Zergioti I and Tzortzakis S, Plasma strings from ultraviolet laser filaments drive permanent structural modifications in fused silica, OPTICS LETTERS 32 (14), 2055-2057 (2007).
- Zergioti I, Kyrkis KD, Papazoglou DG and Tzortzakis S, Structural modifications in fused silica induced by ultraviolet fs laser filaments, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 253 (19), 7865-7868 (2007).
Κώστας Τοκατλίδης
- Gentle IE, Perry AJ, Alcock FH, Likic VA, Dolezal P, Ng ET, Purcell AW, McConnville M, Naderer T, Chanez AL, Charriere F, Aschinger C, Schneider A, Tokatlidis K and Lithgow T, Conserved motifs reveal details of ancestry and structure in the small TIM chaperones of the mitochondrial intermembrane space, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 24 (5), 1149-1160 (2007).
- Baud C, de Marcos-Lousa C and Tokatlidis K, Molecular interactions of the mitochondrial Tim12 translocase subunit, PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS 14 (6), 597-600 (2007).
- Sideris DP and Tokatlidis K, Oxidative folding of small Tims is mediated by site-specific docking onto Mia40 in the mitochondrial intermembrane space, MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY 65 (5), 1360-1373 (2007).
- Vergnolle MAS, Alcock FH, Petrakis N and Tokatlidis K, Mutation of conserved charged residues in mitochondrial TIM10 Subunits precludes TIM10 complex assembly, but does not abolish growth of yeast cells, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 371 (5), 1315-1324 (2007).
Εμμανουέλα Φιλιππίδη
- Filippidi E, Michailidou V, Loppinet B, Ruhe J and Fytas G, Brownian diffusion close to a polymer brush, LANGMUIR 23 (9), 5139-5142 (2007).
Γιώργος Φυτάς
- Kroeger A, Deimede V, Belack J, Lieberwirth I, Fytas G and Wegner G, Equilibrium length and shape of rodlike polyelectrolyte micelles in dilute aqueous solutions, MACROMOLECULES 40 (1), 105-115 (2007).
- Tommaseo G, Petekidis G, Steffen W, Fytas G, Schofield AB and Stefanou N, Hypersonic acoustic excitations in binary colloidal crystals: Big versus small hard sphere control, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 126 (1), 014707 (2007).
- Filippidi E, Michailidou V, Loppinet B, Ruhe J and Fytas G, Brownian diffusion close to a polymer brush, LANGMUIR 23 (9), 5139-5142 (2007).
- Gianneli M, Beines PW, Roskamp RF, Koynov K, Fytas G and Knoll W, Local and global dynamics of transient polymer networks and swollen gels anchored on solid surfaces, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 111 (35), 13205-13211 (2007).
- Cheng W, Sainidou R, Burgardt P, Stefanou N, Kiyanova A, Efremov M, Fytas G and Nealey PF, Elastic properties and glass transition of supported polymer thin films, MACROMOLECULES 40 (20), 7283-7290 (2007).
- Hermans TM, Broeren MAC, Gomopoulos N, Smeijers AF, Mezari B, Van Leeuwen ENM, Vos MRJ, Magusin PCMM, Hilbers PAJ, Van Genderen MHP, Sommerdijk NAJM, Fytas G and Meijer EW, Stepwise noncovalent synthesis leading to dendrimer-based assemblies in water, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 129 (50), 15631-15638 (2007).