Ερευνητικές Δημοσιεύσεις 2018
Επιστήμης Πολυμερών και Κολλοειδών
- Merola MC, Parisi D, Truzzolillo D, Vlassopoulos D, Deepak VD and Gauthier M, Asymmetric soft-hard colloidal mixtures: Osmotic effects, glassy states and rheology, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 62 (1), 63-79 (2018).
- Sentjabrskaja T, Hendricks J, Jacob AR, Petekidis G, Egelhaaf SU and Laurati M, Binary colloidal glasses under transient stress- and strain-controlled shear, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 62 (1), 149-159 (2018).
- Costanzo S, Ianniruberto G, Marrucci G and Vlassopoulos D, Measuring and assessing first and second normal stress differences of polymeric fluids with a modular cone-partitioned plate geometry, RHEOLOGICA ACTA 57 (5), 363-376 (2018).
- Metri V, Louhichi A, Yan JJ, Baeza GP, Matyjaszewski K, Vlassopoulos D and Briels WJ, Physical Networks from Multifunctional Telechelic Star Polymers: A Rheological Study by Experiments and Simulations, MACROMOLECULES 51 (8), 2872-2886 (2018).
- Joshi YM and Petekidis G, Yield stress fluids and ageing, RHEOLOGICA ACTA 57 (6-7), 521-549 (2018).
- Gueddida A, Pennec Y, El Boudouti E, Fytas G and Rouhani BD, Propagation of Elastic Waves in a One-Dimensional High Aspect Ratio Nanoridge Phononic Crystal, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 8 (5), 805 (2018).
- Bogris A, Wang J, Anyfantakis M, Loppinet B, Craig SL, Butt HJ and Fytas G, Solvent-Dependent Light-Induced Structures in Gem-Dichlorocyclopropanated Polybutadiene Solutions, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 122 (27), 6995-7001 (2018).
- Bilalis P, Skoulas D, Karatzas A, Marakis J, Stamogiannos A, Tsimblouli C, Sereti E, Stratikos E, Dimas K, Vlassopoulos D and Iatrou H, Self-Healing pH- and Enzyme Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels for Targeted Delivery of Gemcitabine To Treat Pancreatic Cancer, BIOMACROMOLECULES 19 (9), 3840-3852 (2018).
- Yan ZC, Hossain MD, Monteiro MJ and Vlassopoulos D, Viscoelastic Properties of Unentangled Multicyclic Polystyrenes, POLYMERS 10 (9), 973 (2018).
- Reig DS, Hummel P, Wang ZY, Rosenfeldt S, Graczykowski B, Retsch M and Fytas G, Well-defined metal-polymer nanocomposites: The interplay of structure, thermoplasmonics, and elastic mechanical properties, PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 2 (12), 123605 (2018).
- Ruiz-Franco J, Marakis J, Gnan N, Kohlbrecher J, Gauthier M, Lettinga MP, Vlassopoulos D and Zaccarelli E, Crystal-to-Crystal Transition of Ultrasoft Colloids under Shear, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 120 (7), 078003 (2018).
Χημείας Υλικών
- Kuskov AN, Kulikov PP, Goryachaya AV, Tzatzarakis MN, Tsatsakis AM, Velonia K and Shtilman MI, Self-assembled amphiphilic poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone nanoparticles as carriers for hydrophobic drugs: Stability aspects, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 135 (1), 45637 (2018).
- Velegraki G, Miao JW, Drivas C, Liu B, Kennou S and Armatas GS, Fabrication of 3D mesoporous networks of assembled CoO nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic reduction of aqueous Cr(VI), APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 221 635-644 (2018).
- Skliri E, Miao JW, Xie J, Liu GF, Salim T, Liu B, Zhang QC and Armatas GS, Assembly and photochemical properties of mesoporous networks of spinel ferrite nanoparticles for environmental photocatalytic remediation, APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 227 330-339 (2018).
- Luss AL, Kulikov PP, Romme SB, Andersen CL, Pennisi CP, Docea AO, Kuskov AN, Velonia K, Mezhuev YO, Shtilman MI, Tsatsakis AM and Gurevich L, Nanosized carriers based on amphiphilic poly-N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone for intranuclear drug delivery, NANOMEDICINE 13 (7), 703-715 (2018).
- Georgopoulou A, Kaliva M, Vamvakaki M and Chatzinikolaidou M, Osteogenic Potential of Pre-Osteoblastic Cells on a Chitosan-graft-Polycaprolactone Copolymer, MATERIALS 11 (4), 490 (2018).
- Golichenari B, Velonia K, Nosrati R, Nezami A, Farokhi-Fard A, Abnous K, Behravan J and Tsatsakis AM, Label-free nano-biosensing on the road to tuberculosis detection, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 113 124-135 (2018).
- Hadjicharalambous C, Flouraki C, Narain R, Chatzinikolaidou M and Vamvakaki M, Controlling pre-osteoblastic cell adhesion and spreading on glycopolymer brushes of variable film thickness, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE 29 (7), 98 (2018).
- Tamiolakis I, Liu D, Xiao FX, Xie J, Papadas LT, Salim T, Liu B, Zhang Q, Choulis SA and Armatas GS, Mesoporous implantable Pt/SrTiO3:C,N nanocuboids delivering enhanced photocatalytic H2-production activity via plasmon-induced interfacial electron transfer, APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 236 338-347 (2018).
- Liarou E, Whitfield R, Anastasaki A, Engelis NG, Jones GR, Velonia K and Haddleton DM, Copper-Mediated Polymerization without External Deoxygenation or Oxygen Scavengers, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 57 (29), 8998-9002 (2018).
- Papadas IT, Savva A, Ioakeimidis A, Eleftheriou P, Armatas GS and Choulis SA, Employing surfactant-assisted hydrothermal synthesis to control CuGaO2 nanoparticle formation and improved carrier selectivity of perovskite solar cells, MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY 8 57-64 (2018).
- Vasilaki E, Vamvakaki M and Katsarakis N, Complex ZnO-TiO2 Core-Shell Flower-Like Architectures with Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance and Superhydrophilicity without UV Irradiation, LANGMUIR 34 (31), 9122-9132 (2018).
- Vamvasakis I, Papadas IT, Tzanoudakis T, Drivas C, Choulis SA, Kennou S and Armatas GS, Visible-Light Photocatalytic H2 Production Activity of β-Ni(OH)2-Modified CdS Mesoporous Nanoheterojunction Networks, ACS CATALYSIS 8 (9), 8726-8738 (2018).
- Falireas PG and Vamvakaki M, Triple-Responsive Block Copolymer Micelles with Synergistic pH and Temperature Response, MACROMOLECULES 51 (17), 6848-6858 (2018).
- Galatopoulos F, Papadas IT, Armatas GS and Choulis SA, Long Thermal Stability of Inverted Perovskite Photovoltaics Incorporating Fullerene-Based Diffusion Blocking Layer, ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES 5 (20), 1800280 (2018).
- Rapti S, Diamantis SA, Dafnomili A, Pournara A, Skliri E, Armatas GS, Tsipis AC, Spanopoulos I, Malliakas CD, Kanatzidis MG, Plakatouras JC, Noli F, Lazarides T and Manos MJ, Exceptional TcO4- sorption capacity and highly efficient ReO4- luminescence sensing by Zr4+ MOFs, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 6 (42), 20813-20821 (2018).
- Parkatzidis K, Kabouraki E, Selimis A, Kaliva M, Ranella A, Farsari M and Vamvakaki M, Initiator-Free, Multiphoton Polymerization of Gelatin Methacrylamide, MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 303 (12), 1800458 (2018).
- Stoumpos CC, Tin Perovskite Solar Cells Are Back in the Game, JOULE 2 (12), 2517-2518 (2018).
- Florini N, Dimitrakopulos GP, Kioseoglou J, Pelekanos NT and Kehagias T, 3-D Strain Fields in Low-Dimensional III-V Semiconductors: A Combined Finite Elements and HRTEM Approach, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 215 (4), 1700409 (2018).
- Rozas E, Martin MD, Tejedor C, Vina L, Deligeorgis G, Hatzopoulos Z and Savvidis PG, Temperature dependence of the coherence in polariton condensates, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97 (7), 075442 (2018).
- Manousidaki M, Fedorov VY, Papazoglou DG, Farsari M and Tzortzakis S, Ring-Airy beams at the wavelength limit, OPTICS LETTERS 43 (5), 1063-1066 (2018).
- Paschos GG, Somaschi N, Tsintzos SI, Coles D, Bricks JL, Hatzopoulos Z, Lidzey DG, Lagoudakis PG and Savvidis PG, Hybrid organic-inorganic polariton laser (vol 7, 2017), SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8 6425 (2018).
- Psilodimitrakopoulos S, Mouchliadis L, Paradisanos I, Lemonis A, Kioseoglou G and Stratakis E, Ultrahigh-resolution nonlinear optical imaging of the armchair orientation in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides, LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS 7 18005 (2018).
- Ohadi H, Redondo YDI, Ramsay AJ, Hatzopoulos Z, Liew TCH, Eastham PR, Savvidis PG and Baumberg JJ, Synchronization crossover of polariton condensates in weakly disordered lattices, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97 (19), 195109 (2018).
- Lukoshkin VA, Kalevich VK, Afanasiev MM, Kavokin KV, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG, Sedov ES and Kavokin AV, Persistent circular currents of exciton-polaritons in cylindrical pillar microcavities, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97 (19), 195149 (2018).
- Pickup L, Kalinin K, Askitopoulos A, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG, Berloff NG and Lagoudakis PG, Optical Bistability under Nonresonant Excitation in Spinor Polariton Condensates, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 120 (22), 225301 (2018).
- Kakavelakis G, Paradisanos I, Paci B, Generosi A, Papachatzakis M, Maksudov T, Najafi L, Castillo AED, Kioseoglou G, Stratakis E, Bonaccorso F and Kymakis E, Extending the Continuous Operating Lifetime of Perovskite Solar Cells with a Molybdenum Disulfide Hole Extraction Interlayer, ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS 8 (12), 1702287 (2018).
- Askitopoulos A, Nalitov AV, Sedov ES, Pickup L, Cherotchenko ED, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG, Kavokin AV and Lagoudakis PG, All-optical quantum fluid spin beam splitter, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97 (23), 235303 (2018).
- Fedorov VY and Tzortzakis S, Extreme THz fields from two-color filamentation of midinfrared laser pulses, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 97 (6), 063842 (2018).
- Paschos GG, Liew TCH, Hatzopoulos Z, Kavokin AV, Savvidis PG and Deligeorgis G, An exciton-polariton bolometer for terahertz radiation detection, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8 10092 (2018).
- Tsintzos SI, Tzimis A, Stavrinidis G, Trifonov A, Hatzopoulos Z, Baumberg JJ, Ohadi H and Savvidis PG, Electrical Tuning of Nonlinearities in Exciton-Polariton Condensates, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121 (3), 037401 (2018).
- Redondo YDI, Ohadi H, Rubo YG, Beer O, Ramsay AJ, Tsintzos SI, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG and Baumberg JJ, Stochastic spin flips in polariton condensates: nonlinear tuning from GHz to sub-Hz, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 20 075008 (2018).
- Cristofolini P, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG and Baumberg JJ, Generation of Quantized Polaritons below the Condensation Threshold, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121 (6), 067401 (2018).
- Redondo YDVI, Ohadi H, Rubo YG, Beer O, Ramsay AJ, Tsintzos SI, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG and Baumberg JJ, Stochastic spin flips in polariton condensates: nonlinear tuning from GHz to sub-Hz (vol 20, 075008, 2018), NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 20 089601 (2018).
- Kozlov GG, Ryzhov II, Tzimis A, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG, Kavokin AV, Bayer M and Zapasskii VS, Hidden polarization of unpolarized light, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 98 (4), 043810 (2018).
- Mansour D and Papazoglou DG, Ultra-broadband unable continuous phase masks using optical aberrations, OPTICS LETTERS 43 (21), 5480-5483 (2018).
- Mansour D and Papazoglou DG, Ultra-broadband tunable continuous phase masks using optical aberrations (vol 43, pg 5480, 2018), OPTICS LETTERS 43 (22), 5668-5668 (2018).
- Mylonakis M, Pandey S, Mavrakis KG, Drougakis G, Vasilakis G, Papazoglou DG and von Klitzing W, Simple precision measurements of optics beam sizes, APPLIED OPTICS 57 (33), 9863-9867 (2018).
- Fedorov VY and Tzortzakis S, Optimal wavelength for two-color filamentation-induced terahertz sources, OPTICS EXPRESS 26 (24), 31150-31159 (2018).
- Karikis K, Butkiewicz A, Folias F, Charalambidis G, Kokotidou C, Charisiadis A, Nikolaou V, Nikoloudakis E, Frelek J, Mitraki A and Coutsolelos AG, Self-assembly of (boron-dipyrromethane)-diphenylalanine conjugates forming chiral supramolecular materials, NANOSCALE 10 (4), 1735-1741 (2018).
- Nikoloudakis E, Karikis K, Laurans M, Kokotidou C, Solé-Daura A, Carbó JJ, Charisiadis A, Charalambidis G, Izzet G, Mitraki A, Douvas AM, Poblet JM, Proust A and Coutsolelos AG, Self-assembly study of nanometric spheres from polyoxometalate-phenylalanine hybrids, an experimental and theoretical approach, DALTON TRANSACTIONS 47 (18), 6304-6313 (2018).
- Georgopoulou A, Papadogiannis F, Batsali A, Marakis J, Alpantaki K, Eliopoulos AG, Pontikoglou C and Chatzinikolaidou M, Chitosan/gelatin scaffolds support bone regeneration, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE 29 (5), 59 (2018).
- Georgopoulou A, Kaliva M, Vamvakaki M and Chatzinikolaidou M, Osteogenic Potential of Pre-Osteoblastic Cells on a Chitosan-graft-Polycaprolactone Copolymer, MATERIALS 11 (4), 490 (2018).
- Kokotidou C, Jonnalagadda SVR, Orr AA, Seoane-Blanco M, Apostolidou CP, van Raaij MJ, Kotzabasaki M, Chatzoudis A, Jakubowski JM, Mossou E, Forsyth VT, Mitchell EP, Bowler MW, Llamas-Saiz AL, Tamamis P and Mitraki A, A novel amyloid designable scaffold and potential inhibitor inspired by GAIIG of amyloid beta and the HIV-1 V3 loop, FEBS LETTERS 592 (11), 1777-1788 (2018).
- Bousnaki M, Bakopoulou A, Papadogianni D, Barkoula NM, Alpantaki K, Kritis A, Chatzinikolaidou M and Koidis P, Fibro/chondrogenic differentiation of dental stem cells into chitosan/alginate scaffolds towards temporomandibular joint disc regeneration, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE 29 (7), 97 (2018).
- Hadjicharalambous C, Flouraki C, Narain R, Chatzinikolaidou M and Vamvakaki M, Controlling pre-osteoblastic cell adhesion and spreading on glycopolymer brushes of variable film thickness, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE 29 (7), 98 (2018).
- Jonnalagadda SVR, Kokotidou C, Orr AA, Fotopoulou E, Henderson KJ, Choi CH, Lim WT, Choi SJ, Jeong HK, Mitraki A and Tamamis P, Computational Design of Functional Amyloid Materials with Cesium Binding, Deposition, and Capture Properties, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 122 (30), 7555-7568 (2018).
- Korompili G, Kanakaris G, Ampatis C and Chronis N, A portable, optical scanning microsystem for large field of view, high resolution imaging of biological specimens, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 279 367-375 (2018).
- Chatzinikolaidou M and Boccaccini AR, Preface of the Special Issue "ESB 2017', JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE 29 (12), 180 (2018).
- Koutserimpas C, Alpantaki K, Chatzinikolaidou M, Chlouverakis G, Dohm M and Hadjipavlou AG, The effectiveness of biodegradable instrumentation in the treatment of spinal fractures, INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED 49 (12), 2111-2120 (2018).
Θεωρητικής και Υπολογιστικής Επιστήμης Υλικών
- Domingo M, Shahrokhi M, Remediakis IN and Lopez N, Shape Control in Gold Nanoparticles by N-Containing Ligands: Insights from Density Functional Theory and Wulff Constructions, TOPICS IN CATALYSIS 61 (5-6), 412-418 (2018).
- Tsilipakos O, Tasolamprou AC, Koschny T, Kafesaki M, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Pairing Toroidal and Magnetic Dipole Resonances in Elliptic Dielectric Rod Metasurfaces for Reconfigurable Wavefront Manipulation in Reflection, ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 6 (22), 1800633 (2018).
Λοιπές Κατευθύνσεις
- Hashemi MM, Aminlari M, Forouzan MM, Moghimi E, Tavana M, Shekarforoush S and Mohammadifar MA, Production and Application of Lysozyme-Gum Arabic Conjugate in Mayonnaise as a Natural Preservative and Emulsifier, POLISH JOURNAL OF FOOD AND NUTRITION SCIENCES 68 (1), 33-43 (2018).
- Bakaimi I, Papadopoulou EL, Kenanakis G, Spanakis E and Lappas A, Thin film growth of delafossite ss-NaFeO2 on a ZnO layer by pulsed laser deposition, THIN SOLID FILMS 645 424-430 (2018).
- Violakis G, Korakas N and Pissadakis S, Differential loss magnetic field sensor using a ferrofluid encapsulated D-shaped optical fiber, OPTICS LETTERS 43 (1), 142-145 (2018).
- Tsibidis GD, Mimidis A, Skoulas E, Kirner SV, kruger J, Bonse J and Stratakis E, Modelling periodic structure formation on 100Cr6 steel after irradiation with femtosecond-pulsed laser beams, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 124 (1), 27 (2018).
- Kakavelakis G, Gagaoudakis E, Petridis K, Petromichelaki V, Binas V, Kiriakidis G and Kymakis E, Solution Processed CH3NH3PbI3-xClx Perovskite Based Self -Powered Ozone Sensing Element Operated at Room Temperature, ACS SENSORS 3 (1), 135-142 (2018).
- Zuhlke CA, Tsibidis GD, Anderson T, Stratakis E, Gogos G and Alexander DR, Investigation of femtosecond laser induced ripple formation on copper for varying incident angle, AIP ADVANCES 8 (1), 015212 (2018).
- Petridis K, Kakavelakis G, Stylianakis MM and Kymakis E, Graphene-Based Inverted Planar Perovskite Solar Cells: Advancements, Fundamental Challenges, and Prospects, CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL 13 (3), 240-249 (2018).
- Papadopoulos A, Skoulas E, Tsibidis GD and Stratakis E, Formation of periodic surface structures on dielectrics after irradiation with laser beams of spatially variant polarisation: a comparative study, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 124 (2), 146 (2018).
- Alpantaki K, Dohm M, Korovessis P and Hadjipavlou AG, Surgical options for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures complicated with spinal deformity and neurologic deficit, INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED 49 (2), 261-271 (2018).
- Ancora D, Di Battista D, Giasafaki G, Psycharakis SE, Liapis E, Ripoll J and Zacharakis G, Optical projection tomography via phase retrieval algorithms, METHODS 136 81-89 (2018).
- Fraggelakis F, Stratakis E and Loukakos PA, Control of periodic surface structures on silicon by combined temporal and polarization shaping of femtosecond laser pulses, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 444 154-160 (2018).
- Margaris I, Paltoglou V and Flytzanis N, Current phase relation from graphs and diagrams and application to thick ferromagnetic Josephson junctions, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 30 (19), 195303 (2018).
- Simitzi C, Harimech P, Spanou S, Lanara C, Heuer-Jungemann A, Manousaki A, Fotakis C, Ranella A, Kanaras AG and Stratakis E, Cells on hierarchically-structured platforms hosting functionalized nanoparticles, BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE 6 (6), 1469-1479 (2018).
- Haider R, Marmiroli B, Gavalas I, Wolf M, Matteucci M, Taboryski R, Boise A, Stratakis E and Amenitsch H, Laser ablation and injection moulding as techniques for producing micro channels compatible with Small Angle X-Ray Scattering, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 195 7-12 (2018).
- Di Battista D, Ancora D, Zacharakis G, Ruocco G and Leonetti M, NHyperuniformity in amorphous speckle patterns, OPTICS EXPRESS 26 (12), 15594-15608 (2018).
- Wingstrand SL, Hassager O, Parisi D, Borger AL and Mortensen K, Flow induced crystallization prevents melt fracture of HDPE in uniaxial extensional flow, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 62 (4), 1051-1060 (2018).
- Babaliari E, Kavatzikidou P, Angelaki D, Chaniotaki L, Manousaki A, Siakouli-Galanopoulou A, Ranella A and Stratakis E, Engineering Cell Adhesion and Orientation via Ultrafast Laser Fabricated Microstructured Substrates, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 19 (7), 2053 (2018).
- Ancora D, Qiu LN, Zacharakis G, Spinelli L, Torricelli A and Pifferi A, Noninvasive optical estimation of CSF thickness for brain-atrophy monitoring, BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 9 (9), 4094-4112 (2018).
- Chimona C, Koukos D, Meletiou-Christou MS, Spanakis E, Argiropoulos A and Rhizopoulou S, Functional traits of floral and leaf surfaces of the early spring flowering Asphodelus ramosus in the Mediterranean region, FLORA 248 10-21 (2018).
- Pandey S, Mas H, Drougakis G, Mavrakis KG, Mylonakis M, Vasilakis G, Bolpasi V and von Klitzing W, Antireflection coated semiconductor laser amplifier for Bose-Einstein condensation experiments, AIP ADVANCES 8 (9), 095020 (2018).
- Papananou H, Perivolari E, Chrissopoulou K and Anastasiadis SH, Tuning polymer crystallinity via the appropriate selection of inorganic nanoadditives, POLYMER 157 111-121 (2018).
- Konidakis I, Skoulas E, Papadopoulos A, Serpetzoglou E, Margariti E and Stratakis E, Erasable and rewritable laser-induced gratings on silver phosphate glass, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 124 (12), 839 (2018).
- Kakavelakis G, Kymakis E and Petridis K, 2D Materials Beyond Graphene for Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells, ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES 5 (22), 1800339 (2018).
- Sygletou M, Kyriazi ME, Kanaras AG and Stratakis E, Anion exchange in inorganic perovskite nanocrystal polymer composites, CHEMICAL SCIENCE 9 (42), 8121-8126 (2018).
- Konidakis I, Maksudov T, Serpetzoglou E, Kakavelakis G, Kymakis E and Stratakis E, Improved Charge Carrier Dynamics of CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Films Synthesized by Means of Laser-Assisted Crystallization, ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS 1 (9), 5101-5111 (2018).
Επιστήμης Πολυμερών και Κολλοειδών
- Merola MC, Parisi D, Truzzolillo D, Vlassopoulos D, Deepak VD and Gauthier M, Asymmetric soft-hard colloidal mixtures: Osmotic effects, glassy states and rheology, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 62 (1), 63-79 (2018).
- Sentjabrskaja T, Hendricks J, Jacob AR, Petekidis G, Egelhaaf SU and Laurati M, Binary colloidal glasses under transient stress- and strain-controlled shear, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 62 (1), 149-159 (2018).
- Costanzo S, Ianniruberto G, Marrucci G and Vlassopoulos D, Measuring and assessing first and second normal stress differences of polymeric fluids with a modular cone-partitioned plate geometry, RHEOLOGICA ACTA 57 (5), 363-376 (2018).
- Metri V, Louhichi A, Yan JJ, Baeza GP, Matyjaszewski K, Vlassopoulos D and Briels WJ, Physical Networks from Multifunctional Telechelic Star Polymers: A Rheological Study by Experiments and Simulations, MACROMOLECULES 51 (8), 2872-2886 (2018).
- Joshi YM and Petekidis G, Yield stress fluids and ageing, RHEOLOGICA ACTA 57 (6-7), 521-549 (2018).
- Gueddida A, Pennec Y, El Boudouti E, Fytas G and Rouhani BD, Propagation of Elastic Waves in a One-Dimensional High Aspect Ratio Nanoridge Phononic Crystal, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 8 (5), 805 (2018).
- Bogris A, Wang J, Anyfantakis M, Loppinet B, Craig SL, Butt HJ and Fytas G, Solvent-Dependent Light-Induced Structures in Gem-Dichlorocyclopropanated Polybutadiene Solutions, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 122 (27), 6995-7001 (2018).
- Bilalis P, Skoulas D, Karatzas A, Marakis J, Stamogiannos A, Tsimblouli C, Sereti E, Stratikos E, Dimas K, Vlassopoulos D and Iatrou H, Self-Healing pH- and Enzyme Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels for Targeted Delivery of Gemcitabine To Treat Pancreatic Cancer, BIOMACROMOLECULES 19 (9), 3840-3852 (2018).
- Yan ZC, Hossain MD, Monteiro MJ and Vlassopoulos D, Viscoelastic Properties of Unentangled Multicyclic Polystyrenes, POLYMERS 10 (9), 973 (2018).
- Reig DS, Hummel P, Wang ZY, Rosenfeldt S, Graczykowski B, Retsch M and Fytas G, Well-defined metal-polymer nanocomposites: The interplay of structure, thermoplasmonics, and elastic mechanical properties, PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 2 (12), 123605 (2018).
- Ruiz-Franco J, Marakis J, Gnan N, Kohlbrecher J, Gauthier M, Lettinga MP, Vlassopoulos D and Zaccarelli E, Crystal-to-Crystal Transition of Ultrasoft Colloids under Shear, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 120 (7), 078003 (2018).
Χημείας Υλικών
- Kuskov AN, Kulikov PP, Goryachaya AV, Tzatzarakis MN, Tsatsakis AM, Velonia K and Shtilman MI, Self-assembled amphiphilic poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone nanoparticles as carriers for hydrophobic drugs: Stability aspects, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 135 (1), 45637 (2018).
- Velegraki G, Miao JW, Drivas C, Liu B, Kennou S and Armatas GS, Fabrication of 3D mesoporous networks of assembled CoO nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic reduction of aqueous Cr(VI), APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 221 635-644 (2018).
- Skliri E, Miao JW, Xie J, Liu GF, Salim T, Liu B, Zhang QC and Armatas GS, Assembly and photochemical properties of mesoporous networks of spinel ferrite nanoparticles for environmental photocatalytic remediation, APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 227 330-339 (2018).
- Luss AL, Kulikov PP, Romme SB, Andersen CL, Pennisi CP, Docea AO, Kuskov AN, Velonia K, Mezhuev YO, Shtilman MI, Tsatsakis AM and Gurevich L, Nanosized carriers based on amphiphilic poly-N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone for intranuclear drug delivery, NANOMEDICINE 13 (7), 703-715 (2018).
- Georgopoulou A, Kaliva M, Vamvakaki M and Chatzinikolaidou M, Osteogenic Potential of Pre-Osteoblastic Cells on a Chitosan-graft-Polycaprolactone Copolymer, MATERIALS 11 (4), 490 (2018).
- Golichenari B, Velonia K, Nosrati R, Nezami A, Farokhi-Fard A, Abnous K, Behravan J and Tsatsakis AM, Label-free nano-biosensing on the road to tuberculosis detection, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 113 124-135 (2018).
- Hadjicharalambous C, Flouraki C, Narain R, Chatzinikolaidou M and Vamvakaki M, Controlling pre-osteoblastic cell adhesion and spreading on glycopolymer brushes of variable film thickness, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE 29 (7), 98 (2018).
- Tamiolakis I, Liu D, Xiao FX, Xie J, Papadas LT, Salim T, Liu B, Zhang Q, Choulis SA and Armatas GS, Mesoporous implantable Pt/SrTiO3:C,N nanocuboids delivering enhanced photocatalytic H2-production activity via plasmon-induced interfacial electron transfer, APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 236 338-347 (2018).
- Liarou E, Whitfield R, Anastasaki A, Engelis NG, Jones GR, Velonia K and Haddleton DM, Copper-Mediated Polymerization without External Deoxygenation or Oxygen Scavengers, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 57 (29), 8998-9002 (2018).
- Papadas IT, Savva A, Ioakeimidis A, Eleftheriou P, Armatas GS and Choulis SA, Employing surfactant-assisted hydrothermal synthesis to control CuGaO2 nanoparticle formation and improved carrier selectivity of perovskite solar cells, MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY 8 57-64 (2018).
- Vasilaki E, Vamvakaki M and Katsarakis N, Complex ZnO-TiO2 Core-Shell Flower-Like Architectures with Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance and Superhydrophilicity without UV Irradiation, LANGMUIR 34 (31), 9122-9132 (2018).
- Vamvasakis I, Papadas IT, Tzanoudakis T, Drivas C, Choulis SA, Kennou S and Armatas GS, Visible-Light Photocatalytic H2 Production Activity of β-Ni(OH)2-Modified CdS Mesoporous Nanoheterojunction Networks, ACS CATALYSIS 8 (9), 8726-8738 (2018).
- Falireas PG and Vamvakaki M, Triple-Responsive Block Copolymer Micelles with Synergistic pH and Temperature Response, MACROMOLECULES 51 (17), 6848-6858 (2018).
- Galatopoulos F, Papadas IT, Armatas GS and Choulis SA, Long Thermal Stability of Inverted Perovskite Photovoltaics Incorporating Fullerene-Based Diffusion Blocking Layer, ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES 5 (20), 1800280 (2018).
- Rapti S, Diamantis SA, Dafnomili A, Pournara A, Skliri E, Armatas GS, Tsipis AC, Spanopoulos I, Malliakas CD, Kanatzidis MG, Plakatouras JC, Noli F, Lazarides T and Manos MJ, Exceptional TcO4- sorption capacity and highly efficient ReO4- luminescence sensing by Zr4+ MOFs, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 6 (42), 20813-20821 (2018).
- Parkatzidis K, Kabouraki E, Selimis A, Kaliva M, Ranella A, Farsari M and Vamvakaki M, Initiator-Free, Multiphoton Polymerization of Gelatin Methacrylamide, MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 303 (12), 1800458 (2018).
- Stoumpos CC, Tin Perovskite Solar Cells Are Back in the Game, JOULE 2 (12), 2517-2518 (2018).
- Florini N, Dimitrakopulos GP, Kioseoglou J, Pelekanos NT and Kehagias T, 3-D Strain Fields in Low-Dimensional III-V Semiconductors: A Combined Finite Elements and HRTEM Approach, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 215 (4), 1700409 (2018).
- Rozas E, Martin MD, Tejedor C, Vina L, Deligeorgis G, Hatzopoulos Z and Savvidis PG, Temperature dependence of the coherence in polariton condensates, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97 (7), 075442 (2018).
- Manousidaki M, Fedorov VY, Papazoglou DG, Farsari M and Tzortzakis S, Ring-Airy beams at the wavelength limit, OPTICS LETTERS 43 (5), 1063-1066 (2018).
- Paschos GG, Somaschi N, Tsintzos SI, Coles D, Bricks JL, Hatzopoulos Z, Lidzey DG, Lagoudakis PG and Savvidis PG, Hybrid organic-inorganic polariton laser (vol 7, 2017), SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8 6425 (2018).
- Psilodimitrakopoulos S, Mouchliadis L, Paradisanos I, Lemonis A, Kioseoglou G and Stratakis E, Ultrahigh-resolution nonlinear optical imaging of the armchair orientation in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides, LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS 7 18005 (2018).
- Ohadi H, Redondo YDI, Ramsay AJ, Hatzopoulos Z, Liew TCH, Eastham PR, Savvidis PG and Baumberg JJ, Synchronization crossover of polariton condensates in weakly disordered lattices, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97 (19), 195109 (2018).
- Lukoshkin VA, Kalevich VK, Afanasiev MM, Kavokin KV, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG, Sedov ES and Kavokin AV, Persistent circular currents of exciton-polaritons in cylindrical pillar microcavities, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97 (19), 195149 (2018).
- Pickup L, Kalinin K, Askitopoulos A, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG, Berloff NG and Lagoudakis PG, Optical Bistability under Nonresonant Excitation in Spinor Polariton Condensates, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 120 (22), 225301 (2018).
- Kakavelakis G, Paradisanos I, Paci B, Generosi A, Papachatzakis M, Maksudov T, Najafi L, Castillo AED, Kioseoglou G, Stratakis E, Bonaccorso F and Kymakis E, Extending the Continuous Operating Lifetime of Perovskite Solar Cells with a Molybdenum Disulfide Hole Extraction Interlayer, ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS 8 (12), 1702287 (2018).
- Askitopoulos A, Nalitov AV, Sedov ES, Pickup L, Cherotchenko ED, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG, Kavokin AV and Lagoudakis PG, All-optical quantum fluid spin beam splitter, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97 (23), 235303 (2018).
- Fedorov VY and Tzortzakis S, Extreme THz fields from two-color filamentation of midinfrared laser pulses, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 97 (6), 063842 (2018).
- Paschos GG, Liew TCH, Hatzopoulos Z, Kavokin AV, Savvidis PG and Deligeorgis G, An exciton-polariton bolometer for terahertz radiation detection, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8 10092 (2018).
- Tsintzos SI, Tzimis A, Stavrinidis G, Trifonov A, Hatzopoulos Z, Baumberg JJ, Ohadi H and Savvidis PG, Electrical Tuning of Nonlinearities in Exciton-Polariton Condensates, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121 (3), 037401 (2018).
- Redondo YDI, Ohadi H, Rubo YG, Beer O, Ramsay AJ, Tsintzos SI, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG and Baumberg JJ, Stochastic spin flips in polariton condensates: nonlinear tuning from GHz to sub-Hz, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 20 075008 (2018).
- Cristofolini P, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG and Baumberg JJ, Generation of Quantized Polaritons below the Condensation Threshold, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121 (6), 067401 (2018).
- Redondo YDVI, Ohadi H, Rubo YG, Beer O, Ramsay AJ, Tsintzos SI, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG and Baumberg JJ, Stochastic spin flips in polariton condensates: nonlinear tuning from GHz to sub-Hz (vol 20, 075008, 2018), NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 20 089601 (2018).
- Kozlov GG, Ryzhov II, Tzimis A, Hatzopoulos Z, Savvidis PG, Kavokin AV, Bayer M and Zapasskii VS, Hidden polarization of unpolarized light, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 98 (4), 043810 (2018).
- Mansour D and Papazoglou DG, Ultra-broadband unable continuous phase masks using optical aberrations, OPTICS LETTERS 43 (21), 5480-5483 (2018).
- Mansour D and Papazoglou DG, Ultra-broadband tunable continuous phase masks using optical aberrations (vol 43, pg 5480, 2018), OPTICS LETTERS 43 (22), 5668-5668 (2018).
- Mylonakis M, Pandey S, Mavrakis KG, Drougakis G, Vasilakis G, Papazoglou DG and von Klitzing W, Simple precision measurements of optics beam sizes, APPLIED OPTICS 57 (33), 9863-9867 (2018).
- Fedorov VY and Tzortzakis S, Optimal wavelength for two-color filamentation-induced terahertz sources, OPTICS EXPRESS 26 (24), 31150-31159 (2018).
- Karikis K, Butkiewicz A, Folias F, Charalambidis G, Kokotidou C, Charisiadis A, Nikolaou V, Nikoloudakis E, Frelek J, Mitraki A and Coutsolelos AG, Self-assembly of (boron-dipyrromethane)-diphenylalanine conjugates forming chiral supramolecular materials, NANOSCALE 10 (4), 1735-1741 (2018).
- Nikoloudakis E, Karikis K, Laurans M, Kokotidou C, Solé-Daura A, Carbó JJ, Charisiadis A, Charalambidis G, Izzet G, Mitraki A, Douvas AM, Poblet JM, Proust A and Coutsolelos AG, Self-assembly study of nanometric spheres from polyoxometalate-phenylalanine hybrids, an experimental and theoretical approach, DALTON TRANSACTIONS 47 (18), 6304-6313 (2018).
- Georgopoulou A, Papadogiannis F, Batsali A, Marakis J, Alpantaki K, Eliopoulos AG, Pontikoglou C and Chatzinikolaidou M, Chitosan/gelatin scaffolds support bone regeneration, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE 29 (5), 59 (2018).
- Georgopoulou A, Kaliva M, Vamvakaki M and Chatzinikolaidou M, Osteogenic Potential of Pre-Osteoblastic Cells on a Chitosan-graft-Polycaprolactone Copolymer, MATERIALS 11 (4), 490 (2018).
- Kokotidou C, Jonnalagadda SVR, Orr AA, Seoane-Blanco M, Apostolidou CP, van Raaij MJ, Kotzabasaki M, Chatzoudis A, Jakubowski JM, Mossou E, Forsyth VT, Mitchell EP, Bowler MW, Llamas-Saiz AL, Tamamis P and Mitraki A, A novel amyloid designable scaffold and potential inhibitor inspired by GAIIG of amyloid beta and the HIV-1 V3 loop, FEBS LETTERS 592 (11), 1777-1788 (2018).
- Bousnaki M, Bakopoulou A, Papadogianni D, Barkoula NM, Alpantaki K, Kritis A, Chatzinikolaidou M and Koidis P, Fibro/chondrogenic differentiation of dental stem cells into chitosan/alginate scaffolds towards temporomandibular joint disc regeneration, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE 29 (7), 97 (2018).
- Hadjicharalambous C, Flouraki C, Narain R, Chatzinikolaidou M and Vamvakaki M, Controlling pre-osteoblastic cell adhesion and spreading on glycopolymer brushes of variable film thickness, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE 29 (7), 98 (2018).
- Jonnalagadda SVR, Kokotidou C, Orr AA, Fotopoulou E, Henderson KJ, Choi CH, Lim WT, Choi SJ, Jeong HK, Mitraki A and Tamamis P, Computational Design of Functional Amyloid Materials with Cesium Binding, Deposition, and Capture Properties, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 122 (30), 7555-7568 (2018).
- Korompili G, Kanakaris G, Ampatis C and Chronis N, A portable, optical scanning microsystem for large field of view, high resolution imaging of biological specimens, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 279 367-375 (2018).
- Chatzinikolaidou M and Boccaccini AR, Preface of the Special Issue "ESB 2017', JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE 29 (12), 180 (2018).
- Koutserimpas C, Alpantaki K, Chatzinikolaidou M, Chlouverakis G, Dohm M and Hadjipavlou AG, The effectiveness of biodegradable instrumentation in the treatment of spinal fractures, INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED 49 (12), 2111-2120 (2018).
Θεωρητικής και Υπολογιστικής Επιστήμης Υλικών
- Domingo M, Shahrokhi M, Remediakis IN and Lopez N, Shape Control in Gold Nanoparticles by N-Containing Ligands: Insights from Density Functional Theory and Wulff Constructions, TOPICS IN CATALYSIS 61 (5-6), 412-418 (2018).
- Tsilipakos O, Tasolamprou AC, Koschny T, Kafesaki M, Economou EN and Soukoulis CM, Pairing Toroidal and Magnetic Dipole Resonances in Elliptic Dielectric Rod Metasurfaces for Reconfigurable Wavefront Manipulation in Reflection, ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 6 (22), 1800633 (2018).
Λοιπές Κατευθύνσεις
- Hashemi MM, Aminlari M, Forouzan MM, Moghimi E, Tavana M, Shekarforoush S and Mohammadifar MA, Production and Application of Lysozyme-Gum Arabic Conjugate in Mayonnaise as a Natural Preservative and Emulsifier, POLISH JOURNAL OF FOOD AND NUTRITION SCIENCES 68 (1), 33-43 (2018).
- Bakaimi I, Papadopoulou EL, Kenanakis G, Spanakis E and Lappas A, Thin film growth of delafossite ss-NaFeO2 on a ZnO layer by pulsed laser deposition, THIN SOLID FILMS 645 424-430 (2018).
- Violakis G, Korakas N and Pissadakis S, Differential loss magnetic field sensor using a ferrofluid encapsulated D-shaped optical fiber, OPTICS LETTERS 43 (1), 142-145 (2018).
- Tsibidis GD, Mimidis A, Skoulas E, Kirner SV, kruger J, Bonse J and Stratakis E, Modelling periodic structure formation on 100Cr6 steel after irradiation with femtosecond-pulsed laser beams, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 124 (1), 27 (2018).
- Kakavelakis G, Gagaoudakis E, Petridis K, Petromichelaki V, Binas V, Kiriakidis G and Kymakis E, Solution Processed CH3NH3PbI3-xClx Perovskite Based Self -Powered Ozone Sensing Element Operated at Room Temperature, ACS SENSORS 3 (1), 135-142 (2018).
- Zuhlke CA, Tsibidis GD, Anderson T, Stratakis E, Gogos G and Alexander DR, Investigation of femtosecond laser induced ripple formation on copper for varying incident angle, AIP ADVANCES 8 (1), 015212 (2018).
- Petridis K, Kakavelakis G, Stylianakis MM and Kymakis E, Graphene-Based Inverted Planar Perovskite Solar Cells: Advancements, Fundamental Challenges, and Prospects, CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL 13 (3), 240-249 (2018).
- Papadopoulos A, Skoulas E, Tsibidis GD and Stratakis E, Formation of periodic surface structures on dielectrics after irradiation with laser beams of spatially variant polarisation: a comparative study, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 124 (2), 146 (2018).
- Alpantaki K, Dohm M, Korovessis P and Hadjipavlou AG, Surgical options for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures complicated with spinal deformity and neurologic deficit, INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED 49 (2), 261-271 (2018).
- Ancora D, Di Battista D, Giasafaki G, Psycharakis SE, Liapis E, Ripoll J and Zacharakis G, Optical projection tomography via phase retrieval algorithms, METHODS 136 81-89 (2018).
- Fraggelakis F, Stratakis E and Loukakos PA, Control of periodic surface structures on silicon by combined temporal and polarization shaping of femtosecond laser pulses, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 444 154-160 (2018).
- Margaris I, Paltoglou V and Flytzanis N, Current phase relation from graphs and diagrams and application to thick ferromagnetic Josephson junctions, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 30 (19), 195303 (2018).
- Simitzi C, Harimech P, Spanou S, Lanara C, Heuer-Jungemann A, Manousaki A, Fotakis C, Ranella A, Kanaras AG and Stratakis E, Cells on hierarchically-structured platforms hosting functionalized nanoparticles, BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE 6 (6), 1469-1479 (2018).
- Haider R, Marmiroli B, Gavalas I, Wolf M, Matteucci M, Taboryski R, Boise A, Stratakis E and Amenitsch H, Laser ablation and injection moulding as techniques for producing micro channels compatible with Small Angle X-Ray Scattering, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 195 7-12 (2018).
- Di Battista D, Ancora D, Zacharakis G, Ruocco G and Leonetti M, NHyperuniformity in amorphous speckle patterns, OPTICS EXPRESS 26 (12), 15594-15608 (2018).
- Wingstrand SL, Hassager O, Parisi D, Borger AL and Mortensen K, Flow induced crystallization prevents melt fracture of HDPE in uniaxial extensional flow, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 62 (4), 1051-1060 (2018).
- Babaliari E, Kavatzikidou P, Angelaki D, Chaniotaki L, Manousaki A, Siakouli-Galanopoulou A, Ranella A and Stratakis E, Engineering Cell Adhesion and Orientation via Ultrafast Laser Fabricated Microstructured Substrates, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 19 (7), 2053 (2018).
- Ancora D, Qiu LN, Zacharakis G, Spinelli L, Torricelli A and Pifferi A, Noninvasive optical estimation of CSF thickness for brain-atrophy monitoring, BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 9 (9), 4094-4112 (2018).
- Chimona C, Koukos D, Meletiou-Christou MS, Spanakis E, Argiropoulos A and Rhizopoulou S, Functional traits of floral and leaf surfaces of the early spring flowering Asphodelus ramosus in the Mediterranean region, FLORA 248 10-21 (2018).
- Pandey S, Mas H, Drougakis G, Mavrakis KG, Mylonakis M, Vasilakis G, Bolpasi V and von Klitzing W, Antireflection coated semiconductor laser amplifier for Bose-Einstein condensation experiments, AIP ADVANCES 8 (9), 095020 (2018).
- Papananou H, Perivolari E, Chrissopoulou K and Anastasiadis SH, Tuning polymer crystallinity via the appropriate selection of inorganic nanoadditives, POLYMER 157 111-121 (2018).
- Konidakis I, Skoulas E, Papadopoulos A, Serpetzoglou E, Margariti E and Stratakis E, Erasable and rewritable laser-induced gratings on silver phosphate glass, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 124 (12), 839 (2018).
- Kakavelakis G, Kymakis E and Petridis K, 2D Materials Beyond Graphene for Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells, ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES 5 (22), 1800339 (2018).
- Sygletou M, Kyriazi ME, Kanaras AG and Stratakis E, Anion exchange in inorganic perovskite nanocrystal polymer composites, CHEMICAL SCIENCE 9 (42), 8121-8126 (2018).
- Konidakis I, Maksudov T, Serpetzoglou E, Kakavelakis G, Kymakis E and Stratakis E, Improved Charge Carrier Dynamics of CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Films Synthesized by Means of Laser-Assisted Crystallization, ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS 1 (9), 5101-5111 (2018).