This talk is structured in two parts; in the first part, the main research activities of CeCaS team will be presented, whereas in the second part emphasis will be given in CO2 utilization catalysis; namely dry reforming of methane (CO2/CH4) and carbon dioxide methanation (CO2/H2) reactions. These two reactions are of pivotal importance in the energy sector not only for the abatement of CO2 but also due to their contribution of producing valuable chemicals. Ni catalysts, synthesized through non-conventional routes, are explored for these two reactions.
Various characterization techniques were used to analyse the effect of synthesis route and post synthesis treatment on the catalyst’s performance and the intrinsic properties of the catalysts such as acidity, basicity and reducibility along with lattice oxygen (OL) mobility/diffusivity. Coking studies were also used to examine the reactivity of carbon species formed on the catalysts’ surface. Experimental studies along with ab initio simulations will be discussed.
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